Most bernard richmond qc related news are at:
– The Ranting Penguin
Same Old Same Old - Even If You Claim To Be "Communist!" 26 Oct 2012 | 01:27 pm
"Buy My Book Quick, Or I'll Fuck All Your Children!" Well, what a surprise! The cunts at the top of the tree get extremely rich. Who'd have thought it? The Penguin
Bang Him Up, Throw Away The Key! 25 Oct 2012 | 12:36 am
So the slimy arsewipe has resigned so he can duck out of any disciplinary whitewash and keep his fucking £83,000 a year pension. If the government have not got the balls, then the so-called free pres...
More bernard richmond qc related news:
Nouvelles dates de spectacle au Québec 14 Sep 2012 | 09:58 pm
Le groupe Thus:Owls assurera la première partie pour les dates de septembre. 9/20 New Richmond QC @ Salle de Spectacles New Richmond 9/21 Rimouski QC @ Salle Desjardins-Telus 9/22 Baie-Comeau QC @ Cen...