Most comandos print screen no mac related news are at:

A volta dos que não foram 8 Jun 2012 | 03:51 am
Um ano sem postar aqui. Um ano! Já passou da hora de sacudir a poeira. Muita, muita coisa mudou desde o último post. Mudei para os Estados Unidos, trabalhei em vários projetos diferentes, viajei bast...
[BrazilJS 2011] Aplicações para iOS com JavaScript e Titanium Mobile 14 May 2011 | 02:48 pm
Hoje fiz minha apresentação no BrazilJS 2011, o primeiro evento exclusivamente sobre JavaScript da América Latina. Na verdade fiquei sabendo que os aproximadamente 550 participantes tornaram o BrazilJ...
More comandos print screen no mac related news:
Print screen pod Mac OS 13 Apr 2011 | 12:00 am
W MacBook-ach nie ma standardowego przycisku print screen. Zamiast tego mamy 3 skróty klawiaturowe: - Apple key + Shift + 3 – Screen całego ekranu - Apple key + Shift + 4 – Screen wybranego obszaru...
Screenshot | Print Screen on a Mac 13 May 2011 | 10:51 pm
On a PC there is the Print Screen function but it’s not quite so obvious on a Mac. This is how to take a Mac screenshot of: the full screen – Command+Shift+3 part of the screen – Command+Shift+4 a...
How to Print Screen on a Mac, 6 different ways to capture screen on a Mac 3 Jul 2012 | 12:19 am
If you are reading this tutorial it means that you have recently switched from Windows to Mac and you can’t find “Print Screen” button on your keyboard. Don’t look any further because there is no such...
How to Print Screen on a Mac, 6 different ways to capture screen on a Mac 3 Jul 2012 | 12:19 am
If you are reading this tutorial it means that you have recently switched from Windows to Mac and you can’t find “Print Screen” button on your keyboard. Don’t look any further because there is no such...