Most distorted faces psychic related news are at:

River Dreams 25 Jul 2013 | 06:57 pm
To the human psyche, a river is a source of life. The ancient Egyptians depended on the flooding of the Nile to ensure their survival. Our circulatory and lymphatic systems resemble river systems cour...
Mountains in Dreams 21 Jun 2013 | 05:34 pm
The image of a hero ascending to the top of a treacherous mountain, often while battling a raging storm, is a common one in myth, literature and popular culture. At the end of an epic journey, in whi...
More distorted faces psychic related news:
Ford! it was too revolting! 14 Jan 2011 | 09:17 am
Posted by: Emily Carroll Book: Brave New World (purchase on Amazon) A blubbered and distorted face confronted her; the creature was crying. “Oh, my dear, my dear.” The torrent of words flowed sobbi...
Faces blaster with air 4 Jun 2012 | 05:48 pm
Memorable photo series by Lithuanian photographer Tadas Cerniauskas features distorted faces of people in front of powerful air blowers. “Blow Job” portraits bring a smile to the face of anyone who s...
I’m Looking Healthier 9 Jul 2008 | 02:16 am
See? Good times. (Dan doesn’t like this photo of me because of how my head is tipped back—he says it makes my face look distorted—but I like it. I think it just looks like me. Other options I could ...
Psychic Ghost Capture! 25 Sep 2010 | 02:09 pm
We recognized two faces in this photo. One is Mr. Chip Coffey, the psychic/medium from the A&E hit series Paranormal State and Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal. The other is one of our custom ...
Connection.. 30 Jun 2011 | 03:14 am
A stranger yet a known face, A playup with imagination Or an unknown relation? A delusion of the mind Or a psychic connection? Myriad thoughts without any end, An unanswered past associati...
How it affects the focal length of a lens to the distortion of the face 14 Feb 2011 | 11:01 am
The choice of an appropriate focal length, it is essential to obtain a good result when doing a photo shoot. In the next series of photos we see the distortion suffered by the face as the focal lengt...
Vampire, this is a short piece that has led to the start of my new Novel 3 Feb 2011 | 12:59 pm
The crowd moved as one, jumping and nodding to the beat of the pulsing music. Bright, flashing, lights illuminated the throng for seconds at a time, distorting euphoric faces and filling the floor wit...
Psychic Training Games 31 May 2008 | 08:00 am
Find the Photo Game – Get 6 or so identical sized photos, one of the child, one of a favorite relative, one of a friend, one of a pet. Keeping them face down and separated, ask them to find the one yo...
Free Psychic Readings: The place To Get One And What You Want To Know 22 May 2012 | 10:15 am
Immediately, psychic readings are accessible by all types of mediums. You may contact a psychic through the phone, email, on-line and, of course, face-to-face. Discovering a professional psychic can a...
Online Psychic 15 Nov 2011 | 02:21 am
Some people are sceptical about online psychics because they are used to having face to face readings with a psychic. There is no reason to doubt the ability of a psychic to be able to connect spiritu...