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Indigo Life Products 15 Nov 2009 | 07:53 am
Hey everyone… Its been requested that we have Indigo items to show off and support our Indigo-ness… We’ve created an account with some Indigo Life products for your to check out and even purchase...
So what is energy? 9 Jun 2008 | 08:07 am
So what is energy? From: www.spiritconnections.com / Good Vibes with Karen You may be surprised to learn that everything is made of energy. Atoms, molecules, light, sound and color have energy. O...
Behavioral “Disorders” and Traits of *some* Indigo Children 5 Jun 2008 | 09:39 am
Behavioral “Disorders” and Traits of *some* Indigo Children by: Denali “Starr” Earnest / indigoconnection.atlantean.us -Hyperactivity -Restlessness -Insubordination -Rebellion -Nonconformity -F...
Twin Flames / Twin Rays 3 Jun 2008 | 07:30 am
Twin Flames / Twin Rays Research by Allen Buresz The Revelation of beloved Saint Germain that revolutionized world religion at the beginning of the Twentieth Century was a brand new concept: YOU ARE...
Balance Partners and Messengers 3 Jun 2008 | 07:19 am
Balance Partners and Messengers Balance Partners Reality is about the return to balance. Balance Partners are the people you meet along the way who help you create balance in your life. They are ca...
Psychic Training Games 31 May 2008 | 08:00 am
Find the Photo Game – Get 6 or so identical sized photos, one of the child, one of a favorite relative, one of a friend, one of a pet. Keeping them face down and separated, ask them to find the one yo...
Walk-Ins 31 May 2008 | 07:54 am
Walk-Ins Walk-in is an ancient concept first described in Hinduism whose modern name originated in the Spiritualist faith and was popularized by the related, but not identical New Age movements and b...
Natural Remedy For the Common Misbehaving Indigo 15 May 2008 | 08:28 am
Going Back to Nature… A Natural Remedy For the Common Misbehaving Indigo As an Indigo Healing Facilitator and Spiritual Life Coach, I can’t tell you how many emails and calls I get from parents, ask...
Your Crystal Body and the New Energies 15 May 2008 | 08:21 am
Becoming Light(er) : Your Crystal Body and the New Energies by Celia Fenn This article is written to assist those who are in the Indigo to Crystal transition, and also those who have completed their...
The Keys to Heart-Centred Living 15 May 2008 | 08:14 am
The Keys to Heart-Centered Living: Sharing and Trust by Celia Fenn In this time of major shifting and transition, many of you are feeling great pain because you see the abundance disappearing from y...