Most hens teeth related news are at:
Wednesday - Horace met a girl, she was small and she was very pretty, he thought he was in love, he was afraid.... 8 Aug 2013 | 07:02 pm
Thank you again to everyone who entered my Give-away. A fantastic response. I will be having another very soon. ~0~ I have been enjoying working on a series of Envelope Artworks. Quite difficult...
Out on the street I was talkin’ to a man... He said "there’s so much of this life of mine that I don’t understand"... 5 Aug 2013 | 09:42 pm
Hello, thank to each and everyone for entering this 'Giveaway'. I have been overwhelmed by your kind response. Thank you. The winner is ::Words by Flossy:: If you could let me have your email .....
More hens teeth related news:
something lovely ... 6 May 2013 | 10:23 pm
just popping by to let you know about a giveaway that my lovely friend Viv is having over at Hens Teeth Art of course I am hoping to win this beautiful needlecase myself ;o) but thought I'd share t...
Nudge bar brackets 27 Aug 2013 | 04:26 pm
Hi, I know they are like hens teeth, but if anybody knows where I can get a set of brackets for an original nudge bar, it would be appreciated. The sad thing is someone told me that there are heaps of...
Hens Teeth 26 Jul 2013 | 12:55 am
Quando eu abri minha conta no Flickr em 2008 foi quando comecei a ter contato com um outro mundo, um mundo mágico de mulheres que se expressavam de uma maneira única. Foi a primeira vez que ouvi o ter...
Doing it Together 20 Feb 2012 | 08:59 pm
Following the lead of other designer collaborations, Jessica Harwood of Take Care and Keith Henning of Adriaan Kuiters have opened a shop – 73 on Kloof – together. Here they discuss their combined app...
Best way to protect your teeth, protection for you and your kids. 15 May 2012 | 01:15 am
Dental Health Your teeth are pearly-white, beautiful and perfect when they emerge. would like to help you keep them that way. It’s the goal of to heighten the level...
The Measurement Tool I Wish I Never Had to Use 12 Aug 2010 | 12:37 am
We’ve all had that moment. You know, the one where a friend leans across the table and discreetly whispers “You’ve got something in your teeth.” Instinctively, you cover your mouth and scurry off to t...
Periodontal-10 11 Jun 2011 | 04:03 am
Years of fear and neglect finally caught with this gentleman. Due to gum disease and cavities, it was decided that we needed to remove his upper teeth and make him a temporary upper denture. During a ...
Periodontal-6 11 Jun 2011 | 03:59 am
Can you say, Kiss me Baby Cakes? No? Then come in and see us soon. We can help get your mouth and your teeth healthy. Kiss’s.
Periodontal-3 11 Jun 2011 | 03:56 am
This is what you do not want to happen to you. None of this gum disease process is causing this patient any pain, although he lost a lot of gum tissue attachment around some of his teeth. He followed ...
Surgical Procedure 22 Nov 2011 | 11:42 pm
Over the years, teeth implants have become a popular option for restoring missing teeth, mainly because of their high durability, longevity and convenience. Dental implants are small inserts made from...