Most mr children translated related news are at:

Mr.Children Launch Official Youtube Channel! 29 May 2013 | 12:11 am
This is fairly major news, so I figured that it was definitely worth covering. Mr.Children finally opened their own youtube channel today and with it uploaded 20 HQ PVs from across their career for w...
REM PV (Official Short Version)! 22 May 2013 | 10:38 am
This will most likely be a fairly quick post, but I certainly think that it’s something worth putting up here. For the first time, Mr.Children have officially published a Short PV to youtube; the Sho...
More mr children translated related news:
Fan Art: Lego® Cuusoo 20th Anniversary Goods 6 Apr 2012 | 04:13 pm
Sakuretune needs your help for his Lego® Cuusoo project. He has designed key rings and mobile straps to commemorate Mr. Children’s 20th Anniversary. He needs 10,000 support in order for Lego® to revi...
Mr Children: Round About ~Kodoku No Shouzou (Portrait Of Loneliness)~ 5 Apr 2012 | 03:11 pm
Round About ~Kodoku No Shouzou (Portrait Of Loneliness)~ In the crowd of people who carry loneliness around with them Lies an ordinary, unconventional dream The only communication is a mouth that can’...
Mr Children: My Sweetheart 5 Apr 2012 | 03:08 pm
My Sweetheart You’re strawberry soda And I’m sparkling wine We take our time, drinking and having a good chat Where should we go afterwards? Or should I take you home? Your mum’ll be worried, why don’...
Google Map: Street View 14 Dec 2008 | 09:06 am
On air: On air: Shirushi - Mr.Children Un paio di settimane fa ho scoperto l'acqua calda: su Google Map hanno inserito lo Street View. Che cos'è? E' una nuova funzione che permette di esplorare dive...
聴キロク Mar.2012 16 Apr 2012 | 04:00 am
ALBUM Wolfmother / Wolfmother Congratulations+5 / MGMT Waiting for Sirens’ Call / New Order Agaetis byrjun / Sigur Rós MIRACLE / SHERBETS Kind of Love / Mr.Children LOVER“S”MILE / LiSA ROCK JA...
[ミスチル] FC会員チケット先行予約 Mr.Children STADIUM TOUR 2011 SENSE -in the field- 2 Jun 2011 | 09:18 pm
Mr.Children オフィシャルファンクラブ Father&Mother 数日前から発送が開始されていた幸せの黄色い封筒。 Mr.Children STADIUM TOUR 2011 SENSE -in the field- ツアー特設サイト: 今スタジアムツアーも、一般...
買える!! Mr.Children 2001-2005 〈micro〉(初回限定盤) & Mr.Children 2005-2010 〈macro〉(初回限定盤) 17 Aug 2012 | 08:25 am
プレ値転売中の『Mr.Children 2001-2005 〈micro〉(初回限定盤)(DVD付)』『Mr.Children 2005-2010 〈macro〉(初回限定盤)(DVD付)』が下記ショップにて購入できます…
買える!! Mr.Children 2001-2005 〈micro〉(初回限定盤) & Mr.Children 2005-2010 〈macro〉(初回限定盤) 17 Aug 2012 | 08:25 am
プレ値転売中の『Mr.Children 2001-2005 〈micro〉(初回限定盤)(DVD付)』『Mr.Children 2005-2010 〈macro〉(初回限定盤)(DVD付)』が下記ショップにて購入できます…
Ijah Goes to Japan! 8 Oct 2012 | 09:39 pm
Hi everyone, All stoked for Mr. Children’s new album and tour? Good. Anyway, I am heading to Tokyo in end January 2013 for a short rest & relax trip. If you can help me around, meet up for a cup of co...
空想にふけって 一日が終わる 20 Jun 2011 | 02:22 pm
Mr.Children STADIUM TOUR 2011SENSE - in the field - 9/4.5参戦決定しました!4日はれなやんと5日は母と(予定)参戦します〜!珍しくFCで当たった(;o;)いつもの落選組なのにww(@りか)ホント...