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聴キロク May.2012 29 Jun 2012 | 06:00 pm
ALBUM BIRTHDAY / ClariS 坂道のアポロン オリジナル・サウンドトラック THERAPY / MiChi Born & Raised / John Mayer SINGLES 絆 / GALNERYUS 継続して更新するって難しいなと思う今日この頃。早くも手抜きモードに入りつつありますw 体・精神共に少し疲れ気味なので早く回復アイテムを拾いたいw そうそう、ひょん...
聴キロク Apr.2012 23 May 2012 | 04:45 pm
ALBUM WELCOME TO THE NEWWORLD / MAN WITH A MISSION MAN WITH A MISSION / MAN WITH A MISSION Drums / Drums Blunderbuss / Jack White Theatre of Pain / Mötley Crüe III Sides to Every Story / Extreme...
聴キロク Mar.2012 16 Apr 2012 | 04:00 am
ALBUM Wolfmother / Wolfmother Congratulations+5 / MGMT Waiting for Sirens’ Call / New Order Agaetis byrjun / Sigur Rós MIRACLE / SHERBETS Kind of Love / Mr.Children LOVER“S”MILE / LiSA ROCK JA...
聴キロク 2012.2.1〜2.29 19 Mar 2012 | 03:25 am
Album The Black Belles / The Black Belles 曲名リスト 1. Leave You With a Letter 2. In a Cage 3. Wishing Well 4. Honky Tonk Horror 5. The Wrong Door 6. Breathing Down My Neck 7. The Tease 8. Howl At the M...
聴キロク 2012.1.1~1.31 3 Feb 2012 | 04:21 am
21 / Adele 曲名リスト 1. Rolling In the Deep 2. Rumour Has It 3. Turning Tables 4. Don’t You Remember 5. Set Fire To the Rain 6. He Won’t Go 7. Take It All 8. I’ll Be Waiting 9. One and Only 10. Lovesong ...