Most nikon rebel related news are at:

Best Pocket Cameras 19 Aug 2013 | 09:53 am
If you thought you’ll find compact camera for picturing people moving, rush like sports then you are far from finish, because there is no camera can handle it. You absolutely need any SLR camera like ...
Nikon SB-400 Flash 8 Aug 2013 | 05:53 am
Both the Nikon D3100 and the D7000 have built-in flashes which are pretty good, but they are still not enough to enhance the shot in the room where we are hard to get a point reflection of ceiling. I...
More nikon rebel related news:
Oku still rebelling against the system 29 Mar 2010 | 07:44 pm
Back in the 1970s, when Black Power was the rage in Jamaica, it was cool to clench fists and wear an Afro. Many former radicals have mellowed, but not poet Oku Onuora who, at 58, retains the snarl of ...
Defending ‘Copy’ 21 Oct 2010 | 06:36 am
Back in the olden days, when the world craved ads and ad execs were cigaretty, truth-seeking rebels, copy was not such a dirty word. And it was definitely not the 11th hour add-on you vomit onto your ...
Random shots: Learning DSLR photography 3 Jan 2011 | 06:30 pm
I've always been interested in high quality pictures. However, hardly I have time to spend on my this hobby. Last year I bought my first DSLR (Canon Kiss X3/EOS 500D /Digital Rebel T1i) and let me tel...
Plötsligt händer det - frågor & svar 28 May 2012 | 08:21 am
Vilken kamera använder du och var redigerar du dina bilder? Så fina! Tack!! Jag använder mig av en Nikon D300 kombinerat med Nikkor´s 50mm 1,8 eller...
Nikon ‘D5000′, DIWA Gold Award 13 Oct 2009 | 03:18 pm
Nikon camera, 'D5000', DIWA Gold Award eowodeuseo - Nikon Imaging Korea (Representative Noriega, Aki Yamaguchi, entry-level DSLR camera, digital video website D5000 Association ...
尼康(Nikon) COOLPIX P7100 数码相机 29 Nov 2011 | 01:24 am
从京东商场购买到一台Nikon CoolPix P7100相机【尼康(Nikon) COOLPIX P7100 数码相机 黑色(1009万像素 3寸可翻转屏 7.1倍光变 28mm广角 广角转换镜)】,实际价格:¥2664.00。 相机主要参数如下: 基本参数 品牌 尼康 Nikon 系列 COOLPIX 型号 P7100 颜色 黑色 数码相机类型 专业数码相机 光学变焦...
~~Waga Ai~~ 15 Feb 2010 | 03:08 am
~~~~ Tu as joué avec mon coeur... Mais mon coeur c'est rebellé...~~~~~~~~ Pour finir par ce brisé... Il t'aimé tu c'est...... ~~~~~~
Carnival lyrics in Haiti take aim at UN 23 Feb 2007 | 11:12 am
The UN peacekeepers in Haiti have clashed with rebels and fought well-armed street gangs. Now they are taking shots from a new foe: musicians. During Haiti’s carnival, the airwaves fill with songs la...
デジタル一眼レフ(ニコン D90)を買った。 4 May 2010 | 03:02 pm
気づけば1年以上も投稿していなかったでござる。 珍しく、何もやることがないGWなので、1本くらいは書いてみることにしました。 つい先日、Nikon D90 (公式サイト)を買いました。もう十分値下がりしたよね。 購入したのは 18-105 のレンズキットなんですが、同時購入した単焦点(3518)しか使っていません。 Nikon デジタル一眼レフカメラ D90 AF-S DX 18-105 ...
The Rebel Spiritual Activist 5 Apr 2012 | 03:44 pm
Hungarian poet and writer Tibor Weiner Sennyey's photo Anand Krishna is one of Indonesia’s most popular contemporary writer and publicist. He has published more than 140 books in the past 1...