Most quotes on lying and cheating related news are at:

Love doesn’t ask who r u ?.. Love only says u r mine , Love doesn’t ask wh… 13 Jul 2013 | 01:48 pm
Love doesn’t ask who r u ?.. Love only says u r mine , Love doesn’t ask where r u from ?.. Love only says u live in my Heart , Love doesn’t ask what to do ?.. ove only says u make my Heart beat ,...
LovE sToRy: GiRl: PromIse mE thAt u wIll AsK mE tO mArrY u SomE dAy BoY:okay…. 13 Jul 2013 | 01:48 pm
LovE sToRy: GiRl: PromIse mE thAt u wIll AsK mE tO mArrY u SomE dAy BoY:okay..bUt oN 1 conditioN. GirL: oKay.. What?? bOy: ProMisE me That U wIll SaY The post LovE sToRy: GiRl: PromIse mE thAt u wIll...
More quotes on lying and cheating related news:
Reveal true intentions Spell 4 May 2012 | 12:38 pm
People are often very good actors in life, they pretend to be what they are not, they lie and cheat to get what they want. It is usually hard to recognize such people, or you do, but then it is too la...
Light of My Soul 17 Aug 2011 | 05:05 pm
Whenever you feel like lying,like cheating,like killing yourself or others, grab a handful of light from my pocket go to utter darkness watch the devil in you and then keep the light on your table see...
Can This New Study Explain Lying in the Conventional Healthcare System? 22 Jun 2012 | 02:42 pm
According to a new study by Dan Ariely, everyone has the ability to lie and cheat sometimes, but surprising circumstances make lying and cheating more likely. Generally, it is believed that a person d...
Tilford Sellers & the Wagon Burners: Heartaches, Lies and Cheating Songs (2012) 3 Feb 2013 | 11:07 pm
[This is one of two albums that I had started before I went AWOL. The other is Derek Hoke's Goodbye Rock N' Roll. I think a lot of you will enjoy these. This will be the last posts for a little while....
B.A.D from ANDSUNS(アンドサンズ) “TRUE LOVE TEE” 27 Aug 2013 | 04:35 pm
ANDSUNSのレディースライン”B.A.D”の新作!! Give⇔Steal True⇔Lie Love⇔Cheat という相反する言葉が重ねられたグラフィックがCOOL★ ロゴがCOOLなTシャツは、コットン100%の着心地の良い素材で形がCute♪ どんなボトムにも合って流行のBOYSスタイルにもオススメです◎ -素材- コットン100% サイズ S:着丈 64 裾幅 4...
B.A.D from ANDSUNS(アンドサンズ) “TRUE LOVE TEE” 27 Aug 2013 | 04:35 pm
ANDSUNSのレディースライン”B.A.D”の新作!! Give⇔Steal True⇔Lie Love⇔Cheat という相反する言葉が重ねられたグラフィックがCOOL★ ロゴがCOOLなTシャツは、コットン100%の着心地の良い素材で形がCute♪ どんなボトムにも合って流行のBOYSスタイルにもオススメです◎ -素材- コットン100% サイズ S:着丈 64 裾幅 4...
B.A.D from ANDSUNS(アンドサンズ) “TRUE LOVE TEE” 27 Aug 2013 | 04:35 pm
ANDSUNSのレディースライン”B.A.D”の新作!! Give⇔Steal True⇔Lie Love⇔Cheat という相反する言葉が重ねられたグラフィックがCOOL★ ロゴがCOOLなTシャツは、コットン100%の着心地の良い素材で形がCute♪ どんなボトムにも合って流行のBOYSスタイルにもオススメです◎ -素材- コットン100% サイズ S:着丈 64 裾幅 4...
Golf: A pastime that gives people cooped up in the office all week a chance to lie and cheat outdoors. 26 Aug 2013 | 11:23 am
Golf: A pastime that gives people cooped up in the office all week a chance to lie and cheat outdoors.
Are the performance figures lying? 12 Oct 2009 | 11:55 pm
Does it sometimes feel like you’ve earned less on your investment than the figures quoted by the insurer or the investment company? Chances are good that you did actually earn a different rate from th...
Winning gives birth to hostility – Buddha-Quote 13 Mar 2011 | 05:15 pm
Winning gives birth to hostility. Losing, one lies down in pain. The calmed lie down with ease, having set winning and losing aside. Buddha Dhammapada. Let no one deceive another or despise anyone...