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Unemployed PRC prick hacks TV contestants’ webcams (RSA tokens probably not involved) 31 May 2011 | 02:38 pm
More than two years after Heike’s post about the Kapa girl video, a narrow majority of our visitors come to TDV from searches for her video. Sadly, I’m about to post something that will continue this ...
Langkah 3 Feb 2011 | 10:17 pm
Mula ENTRY baru dengan kemaafan.. Haha.. Aku rsa majoriti smua org bleh lari.. Aku tk kata smua.. Tp majoritinya bleh lari.. Ckap psai lari.. Dlu msa kecik2 slalu maen lmba lari.. Ada mmber yg ...
mood?? 29 Aug 2010 | 04:34 pm
Assalamualaikum.. ngeee..mood baik skit bulan2 posa neh.lalalaaa~ APA MOOD KORG SEKARANG??? PUASA?? MERDEKA?? RAYA?? aq rsa majoriti akn ckp RAYA.surely sakan! kan3..hehee.. AKU? e...
UK General Insurance Competitor Tracker Q1 2010 26 Jul 2010 | 05:05 pm
The UK General Insurance Competitor Tracker Q1 2010 reviews the major developments among the leading competitors in the UK general insurance market including AXA, Aviva, LV=, RBS Insurance, RSA and Zu...
Two Major Privacy Violations You Probably Didn’t Notice 20 Jan 2011 | 04:34 am
Somehow, I managed to channel my security hero Bruce Schneier, who manages to find all that is amazingly stupid and insane about security, from the TSA to RSA. And I accidentally stumbled across some...