Most taro aso otaku related news are at:
Bringing the guilty part to justice: How Facebook, the scouts and one frustrated sister drove youth mobilization in Israel 14 Apr 2011 | 07:54 pm
Neta Kligler-Vilenchik Our work in the Civic Paths team touches on different ways in which participatory culture is linked to realms of civic engagement, particularly for young people. The following ...
A ‘Big Bang’ – and Participatory Fans are now on your TV Screens 31 Mar 2011 | 05:37 am
It’s been a while now since geeks have made the sudden and rapid evolution from social outcasts to trendsetters. They’re amongst the coolest people out there at the moment, causing sales of large, gee...
More taro aso otaku related news:
Pemilu Jepang Dipercepat 14 Jul 2009 | 02:08 pm
Perdana Menteri Jepang, Taro Aso, akan membubarkan Dewan Perwakilan Daerah pada 21 Juli 2009, dan mengadakan pemilihan umum Agustus mendatang. Jun Matsumoto, Ketua Kabinet Jepang mengatakan, Taro Aso...
Aso’s latest stimulus worth ¥23 trillion 14 Dec 2008 | 06:09 am
Prime Minister Taro Aso unveiled a ¥23 trillion stimulus package Friday that will allow up to ¥12 trillion in public funds to be injected into financial institutions, far more than the ¥2 trillion ini...
Dying Elderly Urged to Hurry and Get On With It 22 Jan 2013 | 11:26 pm
Japan’s new finance minister, Taro Aso, is proclaiming that the elderly should get on with dying. “Heaven forbid if you are forced to live on when you want to die,” Aso is being quoted as saying. He c...
INTERNACIONAL/TÓQUIO-IDOSOS: Ministro japonês de 72 anos diz que idosos devem se ‘apressar e morrer’ 23 Jan 2013 | 01:47 am
taro Aso disse que recusaria qualquer tratamento médico para prolongar sua vida em caso de doença terminal Comentários foram feitos em discussão sobre diminuição de gastos públicos Ministro das Finan...
Les paraules de Taro Aso sobre 'reforma' constitucional: quelcom més que una anècdota 3 Aug 2013 | 07:36 pm
Taro Aso (麻生 太郎) ha fet portades en els darrers dies a la premsa japonesa i internacional per unes declaracions "desafortundades", de les quals ell mateix s'hauria retractat. Aquestes declaracions (i...
Aso Meets His Boss 9 Jul 2009 | 04:43 am
Well, hasn't Aso Taro been busy? (No.) He turned up at the Vatican yesterday for a meeting with the Pope ahead of the G8 Summit in Italy that's just started. Every time the G8 meet it seems like all t...
Aso Taro is back! 7 Apr 2013 | 09:31 am
Ist leider nicht totzukriegen, der Mann. Nach seinen schon legendaeren Kanji-Fehlern und seinem voelligen Unwissen bezueglich Cup-Rahmen Preisen hat er es nun wieder einmal geschafft und ein neues Fet...