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More xml-rpc ping services related news:
PHP: Currency Exchange using XML-RPC client 11 May 2007 | 05:08 am
This is an example PHP code I wrote to demonstrate how to connect to Foxrate Currency Exchange server and retrieve the latest exchange rate. The example uses The Incutio XML-RPC for PHP library. Plea...
WordPress XML-RPC Intro 11 Nov 2010 | 08:14 am
I’m still getting a few emails regularly asking for help. Taking into account the fact that blog not being updated for a while, this is surprising. One of the latest questions was “Is it worth to buy ...
Don’t Let Your WordPress Blog Get Banned! 9 Jan 2008 | 07:06 pm
WARNING: Using a default WordPress installation can get your blog banned on ping services! There are some major issues with the default WordPress ping system which can get your blog banned on differe...
Bloglines Added 30 Apr 2006 | 08:47 pm
A few days ago we added Bloglines to our list of RPC ping receivers, worked out a few issues with them, and now they've announced their pinging service. I'll be adding them to the web form ...
Pinging Improvements 29 Apr 2006 | 02:57 pm
I was at Technorati a few days ago and they helped identify some issues where RPC pings might not have been making it downstream under certain conditions. These issues should be addressed now and we&#...
Die besten Ping-Services 23 Jun 2011 | 11:28 pm
Pingen ist ein probates Hilfsmittel, um neue Websites oder neue Artikel und Posts bei den Suchmaschinen bekannt zu machen. Gerade wenn man seine Links auf anderen Seiten setzt, dauert es ohne Pingen o...
161 Massive List of Ping Services For Your WP Blog 6 Sep 2011 | 11:10 am
Ping service allows you to automatically notify blog directories and search engines that your website or blog has been update updated. The bigger your ping list the higher the possibility of traffic ...
IMSlave Link Blaster [WSO] - free pinging and backlink generating software 1 Apr 2012 | 06:02 am
IMSlave Link Blaster Pings every single one of your urls to 100+ RPC ping sites. People pay lots of $'s to this through services each month.. Is this enough though? Well actually you do need a bit m....
Java XML-RPC client for Drupal's Services module 30 Nov 2008 | 12:09 am
I am trying to write a java xmlrpc client for Drupal's Services module. However, I got the "org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog" error when I tried to call "system.connect(...
xml-rpc, java, and eclipse 12 Nov 2008 | 10:43 pm
This writeup serves as a quick summary of my initial investigation of writing xml-rpc applications using java in Eclipse. It's hoped to be useful to whoever is reading this. xml-rpc is a popular web....