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Sun Island Luxury Retreat 19 Aug 2013 | 05:44 am

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m6hWrcp5ZS 14 Aug 2013 | 04:26 am

CK : 同你呻兩句 渣估而家請緊個 receptionist 既職位 收埋d reumse 好多都唔啱駛, 十分之多 diploma 同埋好多都 over-qualified!有個別求職者嗌價仲好勁! 我從冇諗過一個receptionist 會 over HK$15,000 !!!真係落bar 搵個女拳手番黎慢慢 train 好過 我諗八九千頂晒籠勒卦? [...

More yogic related news:

A Complete Overview of the Yoga History 21 Aug 2010 | 10:18 pm

In the Indian   yogic culture, the first yogic Guru or the Adi Guru is regarded as Lord Shiva. Shiva in yogic practice is known as the relentless mediator and is depicted as sitting in elongated state...

Science Behind Ancient Practice Helps with Sleep Disorders 20 Apr 2012 | 06:28 am

Help With Sleep Disorders. Self-directed sleeping is a practice of Yoga Nidra which means yogic sleep; it is an ancient Tantric Yoga practice, which is reducing stress, may help with insomnia, can im...

RLS and Yoga Nidra 28 Mar 2012 | 04:56 pm

Make Two Hours Sleep Feel Like Five. Yoga Nidra and RLS. Yoga Nidra means yogic sleep; it is an ancient Tantric Yoga practice, which is reducing stress, may help with insomnia, and gives us deep rel...

Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh 22 Dec 2011 | 06:53 pm

A Tribe training is a fantastic learning area. Its an opportunity to practice and study through yogic teachings and disciplines in a safe and supporti...

Yogic breathing reduces blood pressure, improves breathing 30 Aug 2011 | 11:17 pm

Yogic breathing reduces blood pressure, improves breathing As if you needed any more reason to take up Yoga, here is some more evidence of the health benefits of yogic techniques reported in the Jour...

Suryanamaskar is more than weight loss 30 Nov 2011 | 10:15 pm

Suryanamaskar can do to your body what months of dieting cannot. And it can do to your mind what no spiritual discourse can. Not surprising, the world is going crackers over this ancient yogic traditi...

Ma Jaya – How I learned to open my heart 17 Apr 2012 | 10:15 pm

After becoming aware that I needed to open my heart, I began to do various yogic practices and meditations that were purported to “open the heart center.” Then, shortly after the 1988 Congress of Worl...

Enjoy Yoga Nidra 5 Aug 2011 | 01:15 am

Yoga Nidra is a great way to unwind as it induces complete relaxation in the body, mind and emotions. Yogic sleep is another term for this exercise; however, it is not typical sleep. Indeed, the eyes ...

Bizzart Video Lab 10 Nov 2009 | 03:31 am

Spring 2011 guest artist Alexey Micheev , Daniel”’’s classmate and colleague now,  has left us a couple of yogic exercises and this melancholic  video by our big friend Ilia Marcus. Enjoy. 20 years...

‘Avoid Nightmares with Conscious Work’ New York Times, July 27, 2010 28 Mar 2011 | 06:21 am

Western Medicine and Therapists are beginning to realize the immense benefits of ancient yogic techniques and to integrate them in their own practice. Emerging techniques such as “Mastery Dreams” are ...

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