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Alvy, Nacho y Rubin – Interpretan A Los Campos Magneticos Volumen 1 (2010) 10 Sep 2012 | 02:30 am
DOWNLOAD Alvy, Nacho y Rubin interpretan a los Campos Magnéticos es el resultado de un singular proceso de investigación y traducción sobre las formas y los modos con que Stephin Merritt construyó u...
VA – Marlindo – Trilha sonora abstrata para acompanhamento de juvenices (TNR, 2012) 23 Aug 2012 | 05:34 am
DOWNLOAD Quando bem feita, uma trilha sonora marca de verdade, fica na cabeça e você decora fácil, fácil. Baseado um pouco nisso — e por acharmos que filmes clássicos como “Sem Licença para Dirigir”, ...
Camper Van Beethoven – Telephone Free Landslide Victory (IRS, 1985) 20 Aug 2012 | 09:12 am
DOWNLOAD They say “never say never,” but it’s still extremely unlikely something so goofily low-key, inventive, and fun will ever achieve cult status so quickly again, especially in terms of musical...
East River Pipe – Mel (Merge, 1996) 31 Jul 2012 | 10:07 am
DOWNLOAD One-man orchestras are needed? Then one shall be found, and here it is. Strictly speaking, Mel continues Cornog’s winning streak rather than being stunning in and of itself, but given tha...
Beatnik Filmstars – Laid Back & English (La Di Da, 1994) 31 Jul 2012 | 09:40 am
DOWNLOAD Laid Back and English could be called an “easier” record than some other Beatnik Filmstars releases — the distant, fuzzy recording that marks albums like In Hospitalible and Phase 3 is ju...
Videotroma – Stella (2012) 23 Jul 2012 | 12:19 am
RELEASE // Videotroma é Noise-Gospel-Rock. Opera-Rock lo-fi 16-Bit em três (ou mais) dimensões. Música de obsessões conceituais e melodias pop imersas em camadas sônicas de ruídos, samplers e sintetiz...
Videotroma – Stella (2012) 23 Jul 2012 | 12:19 am
RELEASE // Videotroma é Noise-Gospel-Rock. Opera-Rock lo-fi 16-Bit em três (ou mais) dimensões. Música de obsessões conceituais e melodias pop imersas em camadas sônicas de ruídos, samplers e sintetiz...
Lorelei – Discography (Slumberland Records) 4 Jul 2012 | 08:54 am
Virginia-based noise-pop outfit Lorelei formed in 1991; originally a five-piece, in the wake of their Slumberland debut single “The Bitter Air” the line-up slimmed down to the trio of singer/guitari...
Lorelei – Discography (Slumberland Records) 4 Jul 2012 | 08:54 am
Virginia-based noise-pop outfit Lorelei formed in 1991; originally a five-piece, in the wake of their Slumberland debut single “The Bitter Air” the line-up slimmed down to the trio of singer/guitar...
DIIV – Oshin (Captured Tracks, 2012) 17 Jun 2012 | 01:14 am
DIIV is the nom-de-plume of Z. Cole Smith, musical provocateur and frontman of an atmospheric and autumnally-charged new Brooklyn four-piece. Inked to the uber-reliable Captured Tracks imprint, DIIV...