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4 Functions for Textarea inputs 15 Jan 2010 | 09:58 am
The first two functions were solutions to a requirement where I had to convert the text within a textarea box to render within a div or span element. At first I thought it would be easy, a simple div....
Monitor progress bar update via taskbar on Windows 7 3 Dec 2009 | 05:03 pm
I've just noticed that Windows 7 displays a progress bar update within the taskbar
Change SVN repository in Eclipse 29 Nov 2009 | 06:26 am
We recently moved our SVN repositories to a bigger and better server. Long story short, we were not able to keep the same address, which didn't seem like such a big deal. One would think that a simple...
Static page in CakePHP 22 Sep 2009 | 01:39 am
In every dynamicly driving project there must exist some static content. While there are dozens of ways of doing this, we here at Techlicity do it in one of 2 ways. If your looking to serve up strictl...
CakePHP: controller without model 22 Sep 2009 | 01:16 am
Sometimes you just want to make a simple controller without an associated model or table. CakePHP makes this very easy while showing it's flexibility. CakePHP uses the variable $uses to associate a co...
Internet Explorer Crashes When Oracle Forms Is Launched 20 Aug 2009 | 03:16 am
When running oracle form modules using Internet Explorer and JInitiator 1.3.1.x, the browser window opens and crashes before the applet starts. When using Firefox, there’s no problem at all.
Ignore files or folders on svn update 31 May 2009 | 07:01 am
This article covers the simple task of ignoring files on svn update. In our case, we needed to exclude our applications config files. This way we can have a DEV, QA and LIVE environment, all easily up...
C# .NET - Hash Algorithms - MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512 12 May 2009 | 03:42 pm
One of the great problems I have had with OO languages such as .NET and Java is that some tasks, that are as simple as calling a function in other languages, are complicated to no end. One such proble...
Always stay in sync with NTP 10 May 2009 | 04:08 am
NTP is the Network Time Protocol. It is a standard way to keep system clocks synced. This post will go through the easy steps of getting you linux box configured to always follow the correct time base...
Preserving Line Breaks in <textarea> 7 May 2009 | 06:28 am
A common problem many first time developers come across is preserving line breaks in a textarea after a form is submitted. This article will show you how to fix this problem in PHP and JavaScript. The...