Terramonsters - terramonsters.com

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Dark Mech Dozer ! 5 May 2012 | 08:18 am
Dark Mech Dozer is now available at the Monster Shop! Created by the mad scientist Hubert in the city of Verdane.
Dashing Equinair ! 5 May 2012 | 08:12 am
Introducing ‘Dashing Equinair’ Dashing Equinair is a premium skin for Equinair and is available in the monster shop!
Terra Monsters Wiki 4 May 2012 | 10:47 am
Hello Terra Ranchers! We’re super excited to share with you our Wikipedia page - completely written by the Terra Monster Community. We’ve also added “Fun Facts” for you guys to get a behind-the-sce...
Terra Monsters now on Kongregate.com 20 Apr 2012 | 08:18 am
Hello Terra Ranchers! Starting today, you’ll be able to play Terra Monsters on Kongregate.com Kongregate has its own unique community of Gamers that will now be part of Terra Monster’s community. Y...
Introducing… Tortipous 17 Mar 2012 | 12:21 am
‘When frightened, Tortipous will hide in its shell and propels itself away from danger with its tail.’ Tortipous can be found on Vestal Beach.
Introducing… Yeticrab! 16 Mar 2012 | 03:42 am
Introducing… Yeticrab! ‘It is often thought that Yeticrabs are intelligent as they can stand for hours deep in thought. However recent studies show that this is in fact false. The Yeticrabs normally ...
Skyward City is now open 15 Mar 2012 | 06:02 am
Skyward City the legendary floating city of Terrarium is now accessible via the Buntis Skylift on the Mountain Pass East of Verdane! [Show as slideshow]
Introducing… Chipmunkey 15 Mar 2012 | 05:55 am
According to Terrarium folklore, Chipmunkey learned their moves from old kung fu movies. There has not been any scientific data proving this theory. Chipmunkey’s can be found in Flockhart Fo...
Releasing Monsters and Other Updates 14 Mar 2012 | 10:30 am
Since we put the game into Beta we’ve made a number of fixes and changes, these include. - Ranchers can now release monsters from their Ranch. To release a monster visit your Ranch click on the monst...
Terra Monsters now in open BETA 9 Mar 2012 | 01:24 pm
Welcome to the Terra Monsters open BETA test. Terra Monsters is a massively multiplayer Monster catching game. You can learn about the game here Here are a few things we’d love to hear about. - An...