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RAW is Riv – 8-13-2012 14 Aug 2012 | 11:44 am
It’s almost time for Monday Night RAW. I’m dreading this. How many weeks has it been 3? 4? These three hour RAWs are brutal – more commercials, more recaps, more HEY USE TOUT, more HEY WE’RE ON TWITTE...
Review Without Honor: ROH TV 08-03-12 12 Aug 2012 | 07:30 am
Here’s what I hate about ROH not being on TV in my area and having to stream it from their website…I CAN’T FUCKING STREAM IT FROM THEIR WEBSITE!!!! When I try, it stops and starts, the video isn’t syn...
Review Without Honor: ROH TV Show 07-28-12 8 Aug 2012 | 09:34 am
After a so-so effort last week, Ring of Honor bounces back with a pay-per-view quality main event that reeked of old-school awesomeness. I know we’re all strapped for time these days so I’m going to t...
RAW is Riv – 8-6-2012 7 Aug 2012 | 11:25 am
3-Hour-RAW: Week 3. This is still pretty painful. I feel like there should be an Olympic Medal for recapping this fucking shit consistently as I have with little to no reward other than the feeling th...
Smackdown is Riv – 8-3-2012 4 Aug 2012 | 05:34 am
Booker T is the GM of Smackdown. The fucks I give? I actually give negative fucks. This isn’t even a spoiler because and Booker himself broke the story on Tuesday themselves. I literally could...
Go On Take the Money and Run 3 Aug 2012 | 08:41 am
On Monday night a story starting popping up about Davey Richards, Tony Kozina and Kyle O’Reily larceny by trick’n an indy promotion in Iowa. The story went that Davey and his crew took 350 bucks cash ...
Review Without Honor: ROH TV 07-21-12 31 Jul 2012 | 03:14 pm
Two steps forward, two steps back. Those aren’t just lyrics to a terrible Paula Abdul song from the 80′s. It describes Ring of Honor’s failure to build on what was a pretty darn good tv show two weeks...
RAW is Riv – 7-30-2012 31 Jul 2012 | 11:27 am
RAW 1001: I said it last week, I said it on my podcast and I will say it now: RAW 1000 was about paying tribute to the past and showing WWE where it’s been. RAW 1001 will need to be about where it’s g...
RAW 1000 is Riv 24 Jul 2012 | 12:27 pm
The day I have been dreading is here. The day of 3 Hour Raw. Why is everything 3 hours now anyway? You can’t even go to a movie without it being 160 fucking minutes long. Somehow even with 3 Hour RAWs...
RAW 1000 is Riv 24 Jul 2012 | 12:27 pm
The day I have been dreading is here. The day of 3 Hour Raw. Why is everything 3 hours now anyway? You can’t even go to a movie without it being 160 fucking minutes long. Somehow even with 3 Hour RAWs...