Thefitnessexplorer - - The Fitness Explorer

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Inspiration: It Makes This All Worthwhile! 23 Aug 2013 | 08:38 pm
A message I received today, far more rewarding than any recognition I received from my previous career... "Darryl. Just wanted to say what an inspiration you've been in my life. After following you.....
Testimonial: Virtual Training (12 Weeks Later) 22 Aug 2013 | 01:22 am
Testimonial: Virtual Training (12 Weeks Later) 40 years old today! How do I feel? 12 weeks ago I started my conversion to a Paleo lifestyle and undertook Darryl's distance training programme.... Su.....
PRIMALity (Primal Playout) - London 20 Aug 2013 | 03:08 am
London Playshop - Sept 14 2013 Have you forgotten the joy of movement? Do you want to improve strength, fitness and agility without doing punishing drills and mindless activities? Join Darryl... Sum...
Media: Women's Fitness Magazine (PRIMALity class) 8 Aug 2013 | 12:01 pm
Women's Fitness goes wild for PRIMALity - Paleo Fitness in the September edition of Women's Fitness magazine, out now... Summary Only. Click on link above for more details (
Testimonial: Virtual Training (Texas) 8 Aug 2013 | 05:33 am
Testimonial: Virtual Training (Texas) In my ‘adult’ life I have experimented with a lot of different movement/exercise/get-your-butt-going programs. I’ve done belly-dancing,... Summary Only. Click o...
Workout: Movement Monday 5 Aug 2013 | 06:34 pm
Workout: Movement Monday Warmup: Fitness Explorer Warmup Workout: 200m Bear Crawl rest - 1 minute 200m Crab Walk rest - 1 minute 100 step Crocodile Walk rest - 1... Summary Only. Click on link...
Testimonial: Health & Body Assessment (MOT) 3 Aug 2013 | 07:41 pm
I knew I wanted a health and body MOT a while ago, and finally got the chance when I referred myself to Darryl. As I was reaching a certain age, I thought I really needed to get checked out... Summ.....
Paleo: Beef Tenderloin with Callaloo 2 Aug 2013 | 08:56 pm
Callaloo (Jamaican spinach), onion and garlic sandwiched between slow roasted beef tenderloin and garnished with sweet pepper, butternut squash and copious amounts of coconut oil. Summary Only....
Guest Post on Mark's Daily Apple : Why Play? 29 Jul 2013 | 12:46 pm
Why You Absolutely Must Play, Every Day! (plus 10 Pointers for Successful Playtime) I’m grateful to have our friend Darryl Edwards, fitness explorer and creator of the... Summary Only. Click on l...
Workout: A sample workout from the book "Paleo Fitness" 28 Jul 2013 | 09:10 pm
An example workout from the book "Paleo Fitness" based on a Movement Monday, difficulty Level 1, Week 4. The book is available on Amazon ( and other book stores. Summary...