Thefringedweller - - Fringe Dweller: an afterlife paramedic

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Ask The Fringe Dweller 1 Apr 2012 | 07:00 am
Monica enjoys answering your questions. Although it is impossible to answer everyone, she will personally answer general questions, or those of a similar theme, and post them here on this page. If you...
“Recovering Catholic” 12 Jul 2011 | 12:44 pm
Submitted on 2010/07/21 at 6:54 am “Coast to Coast Broadcast” Monica, I listened to you on Coast to Coast last night and I find your words of assisting transitioning souls fascinating and self-rewa...
“Recovering Catholic” 12 Jul 2011 | 08:44 am
I listened to you on Coast to Coast last night and I find your words of assisting transitioning souls fascinating and self-rewarding. I trust you are a genuine breath of fresh air...
“Your Soul Retrieval Work is Great” 1 Jul 2011 | 12:18 pm
Submitted on 2010/07/12 at 5:05 am “What a Lovely Job You Do” Hello, I came across your link by chance?? or by design we never know, with a little free will I believe it’s all written in stone, the...
“Your Soul Retrieval Work is Great” 1 Jul 2011 | 08:18 am
I know many get confused between worlds, it’s a shock to many many throughout their life who do not believe because of religion and brainwashing, all waking now), what a strange reality we chose to ta...
“I Cross People Over In My Dreams Just Like You” 2 May 2011 | 11:14 am
Submitted on 2010/07/11 at 9:49 pm “Me too!” I cross people over in my dreams just like you. I have been doing it for years.. I never knew it had a name. I also dream before people die. I am an RN i...
“I Cross People Over In My Dreams Just Like You” 2 May 2011 | 07:14 am
Submitted on 2010/07/11 at 9:49 pm “Me too!” I cross people over in my dreams just like you. I have been doing it for years.. I never knew it had a name. I also dream before people die. I am an RN in ...
“Thank You for Making Me Feel Not so Crazy” 22 Apr 2011 | 10:56 am
Submitted on 2010/07/11 at 9:28 pm “Thank you for making me feel not so crazy” Won’t go deeply here, but thank you for making me feel not so crazy about the fact that I live in both worlds at times....
“Thank You for Making Me Feel Not so Crazy” 22 Apr 2011 | 06:56 am
Won't go deeply here, but thank you for making me feel not so crazy about the fact that I live in both worlds at times. I wake up and sometimes I'm in both my dream and reality, at the same time.
“So I’m Not Alone in Living in Two Realities” 23 Mar 2011 | 01:00 pm
Submitted on 2010/07/11 at 10:34 am “Coast to Coast” Welcome (hug)… so i’m not alone in living in two ‘real’ realities… I really enjoyed your interview… and btw… you were spot on with destiny and f...