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High Heel Shoe Planter Inspired Jersey Fresh 22 Aug 2013 | 11:41 pm
Shoes have Stepped into our lives … in more way than one! Before I describe my fun high heel shoe planter tutorial . . . something completely different; I’m talking New Jersey Farms … but there is a ...
Wicked Wheat: Why Gluten Intolerance is on the Rise 20 Aug 2013 | 07:16 pm
From the time we first learn about nutrition in elementary school, the idea of “grains” taking up the majority of space at the bottom of the food pyramid comes to mind. It’s primary protein, Gluten, i...
Oh Baby! Repurposing for the Nursery – DIY Infant Mobile Tutorial 17 Aug 2013 | 07:37 pm
Rigel Turner and Antares Mary – September 1992 A KISS for Baby: DIY and Keep It Simple Silly! It’s been nearly 21 years since I had a babies running around the house … they are all grown up and neit...
5 Reasons to Go Gah-Gah for Homemade Baby Food 16 Aug 2013 | 06:56 pm
Green Diva Meg’s Granddaughter Vivian As a 23-year-old woman who isn’t planning on children for a while, (but yes Mom and Dad, there will be a day where you will be bouncing an adorable grandchild o...
Green Divas Radio Show: Green Road Tripping 10 Aug 2013 | 07:57 am
Another rowdy crew for the show this week . . . Green Audio Dude Rob is now also our Green Video Dude! We are going to start creating videos of the radio show for our YouTube channel. While Rob is mas...
Green Diva Foodie-Phile: Best Homemade Granola Recipe 9 Aug 2013 | 08:00 pm
Granola Fit for a Green Diva (Piglet approved) My dear friend, Nadia Chait gave me this recipe and I have been experimenting with it ever since. It provides a great foundation for adding your favorit...
Who Cut the Cheese? DIY Non-Toxic Car Air Fresheners 9 Aug 2013 | 05:10 pm
On a long road trip, someone always does it! Like death and taxes, passing gas — or as we call it on our family, “poofering,” (I DO NOT like the f-a-r-t word) is a foregone conclusion. In fact, Dr. O...
6 Easy, Healthy Snacks for Road Tripping 8 Aug 2013 | 09:37 pm
There is nothing more spontaneous and fun than going on a road trip. Seriously, we are so lucky to have so many wonderful places right here in the U.S. to visit. While I can say that I have never been...
The History of Flea Markets & Road Tripping to RePurpose 7 Aug 2013 | 10:29 pm
Who Put the Flea in Flea Market? Have you ever stopped to think about the origin of the term “flea market”? In all the years I’ve scoured flea markets full of other peoples’ “junk” to turn into my “...
Green Divas Gratitude & Quick Survey 5 Aug 2013 | 09:12 pm
Thanks to all of you who are helping us grow the Green Divas Radio Show & Podcast! You guys are awesome. We are experiencing steady and rapid growth. There have been unprecedented numbers of download...