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Fun and Weight Loss: Is this a contradiction? 19 Jan 2013 | 06:00 pm
Bottom line, I was becoming bored with exercise. Initially, when I began the weight loss journey after Thanksgiving, I held onto the treadmill for dear life. Now, I have upgraded from walking to joggi...
Stop Comparing Your Relationship to Others 17 Jan 2013 | 02:47 pm
A relationship is something to be cherished. It is not without difficulties and struggles, it is something that must be worked on continuously. My fave youtube blogger AllThingsFabulous101 shared a vi...
Filling Intimacy Gaps in Relationships 16 Jan 2013 | 05:30 pm
This article is not about sex only intimacy. A series of major or minor events leads to sex, whether flirtation via conversation or stealing kisses in the grocery store, these are intimate acts. Howev...
Always Attracted to the Same Type of Guy 11 Jan 2013 | 05:30 pm
Eager to get married but constantly attracting the same no good scoundrels? Sorry, but it’s not them, it’s you. In a quest to get to the altar quickly, women have settled for any guy that smiles and h...
Bombshell Makeup Tutorial 10 Jan 2013 | 09:15 pm
Hay ladies, so we are back with another gorgeous makeup tutorial, this time from my favorite hair guru Teasedblackpearlz. Check out this sultry take on a smokey eye and nude lip that just screams sexy...
Keeping Children a Secret for Love 9 Jan 2013 | 08:08 pm
When dating, the other party should be aware that you are a package deal. Package deal meaning not only court me but my children also. Let’s run this scenario. Fast forward, Mr. Right, or so you think...
Plus Size Style Find: Holiday/NightLife Outfits 8 Jan 2013 | 02:08 am
Yes the holidays are over but I have to share these gorgeous looks. Ladies, I am a firm believer that no matter your shape or size you can look good. The lovely PassionJonesz put together some very st...
He Is Over You…….Now Get Over Him!!! 4 Jan 2013 | 06:00 pm
The holidays are over and you broke the bank on Christmas gifts for him. Taking it one step further,you even gave him spending money to bring in the New Year and now………….he is nowhere to be found. Nev...
DIY: Bracelets 3 Jan 2013 | 09:37 pm
Hey my fashionistas. I must say that I have become very handy over the last few months thanks to all of these Do It Yourself videos. If you enjoy jewelery and would like to give it a shot at creating ...
Desperate to Feel Loved in 2013 1 Jan 2013 | 06:00 pm
STOP!!!!! Looking for love will not bring love only more heartache. Searching for something that is not immediately attainable is stressful and usually not what you want. You can’t mold an adult becau...