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Blog and Forums Maintenance 19 Nov 2012 | 07:28 am
Website will be down this week for maintenance, if you receive any errors please try again at a later time.
SuperCharged Sex Life Summit 4 29 Oct 2012 | 12:27 am
Well it looks like Jackie and Andy are doing another cool SCSL event filled with food, drinks, speeches, and a networking session afterwards. This is the perfect opportunity to meet other guys in the...
SuperCharged Sex Life Summit 3 7 Aug 2012 | 11:43 pm
Andy Anderson & Jackie Silvers are throwing a free event ($15 refundable deposit) called the SuperCharged Sex Life Summit 3. It’s this Saturday (August 11th) in Bellevue. There will be a workshop por...
PUA Lingo Definitions 31 May 2012 | 08:54 am
I’ve been running into aspiring PUAs and non-PUA friends who come across community lingo in various media and are confused by it. So I’ve decided to make a few blog posts here and go over the basic li...
If men and women reversed roles… 9 Feb 2012 | 02:39 pm
Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if women pursued men, bought them drinks, and tried to pick them up at bars? Check this out to get a better idea:
The Game by Style 30 Sep 2011 | 02:52 pm
The title says it all! “The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists” by Neil Strauss, or Style as he’s called in the community. This book is mandatory text book reading for any aspiri...
August Lair Events 11 Aug 2011 | 04:56 pm
August Lair Meeting The lair meeting is a great opportunity to meet other guys in the community, hear interesting talks from experienced PUAs, hang out, ask your questions, get help on your sticking ...
July Nightgame Lair Prowl 19 Jul 2011 | 08:07 am
What is a Nightgame Lair Prowl? The lair definition: a Nightgame Lair Prowl (NLP) is an outing of senior guys in the local community taking out newer guys in small groups for a session of night ga...
July Lair Meeting Scheduled! 3 Jul 2011 | 07:57 am
Seattle Lair Meeting Hey all. It’s time for another lair meeting! The lair meeting is a great opportunity, especially for you new guys to meet people in the community and get some very valuable info...
TheSeattleLair is now connected with Twitter! 18 Jun 2011 | 10:09 am
We have finally jumped on the Twitter bandwagon and will be posting some quality stuff both here as well as Twitter! Come follow us