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Grumpy Cubs, Corinne’s garden and Bette Davis with an eyepatch 27 Aug 2013 | 06:30 am
Hallo, blog! It’s Monday, and a working Monday for me. I’m happy to be working, but not happy that I feel like I’m getting a cold. Speaking of not happy, check out Bear Cub in her brand-new special “K...
A week in Oregon: the end 23 Aug 2013 | 11:15 pm
Welcome to my tent! Weeeell, it was Jenn and Justin’s giant tent with a porch, but we spent one comfortable night there, thanks to the queen-sized air mattress we now possess. The air mattress isn’t s...
A week in Oregon, part 10: a nature walk and dirty dogs 22 Aug 2013 | 11:26 pm
Abby’s playhouse, built by her grandmother. Before we went for walkies, she wanted to give me the tour. Adorable. I wanted a playhouse BAD when I was a little kid. The neighbor kids and I built a ric...
A week in Oregon, part 9: arrival at J & J’s 21 Aug 2013 | 09:42 pm
After our fabulous Hawaiian breakkie Friday morning in Lincoln City, it was eastward to Jenn and Justin’s house in the country. I had visited before, last year with Corinne, so I already knew I was in...
A week in Oregon, part 8: Let’s eat 20 Aug 2013 | 09:13 pm
Let’s take a moment to re-visit Manzanita Beach during our last day on the Oregon coast. This was after our 5+ mile hike at Oswald West, and we were hungray. Unfortunately the sandwich place we had e...
A week in Oregon, part 7: Oswald West State Park 19 Aug 2013 | 09:20 pm
Flickr has been crashing constantly in Internet Explorer the last two days, forcing me to upload my photos and blog using Chrome. Josh thinks Flickr does this on purpose, since it’s owned by Google. A...
A week in Oregon, part 6: Cannon Beach 18 Aug 2013 | 12:41 am
It has recently come to my attention (said in fake Chloe Sevigny voice) that these uber-long vacation recaps are probably uber-boring to anyone who isn’t me. Guess what, though? I don’t care, Pierre!...
A week in Oregon, part 5: Manzanita Beach 16 Aug 2013 | 09:54 pm
Going, going back to…Manzanita Beach! I don’t recall the year my family last visited Manzanita Beach, but it had been at least a decade. It was so much smaller than I remembered! Really only two tiny ...
Art show! Art show! Art show! 15 Aug 2013 | 08:47 pm
Right before Josh and I left for our Oregon vacation I was contacted by Amy, one of the owners of the Populuxe Brewing Company, and asked if I would like to be their Artist of the Month. Would I ever!...
A week in Oregon, part 4: Newport 14 Aug 2013 | 09:48 pm
We read that Newport boasted a “Deco District“, so we had to check it out. Here we are driving on the Yaquina Bay Bridge, which does have a nice Art Deco look to it. I’ve always been a fan of Art Deco...