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Muscular Armor versus Muscular Dystrophy: Progressive Skeletal Muscle Weakness 19 Aug 2009 | 07:32 pm
Muscular dystrophy is a condition characterized by progressive skeletal muscle weakness encompassing more than 100 diseases in it. The most general symptoms of the condition are progressive muscular w...
Muscular System Affecting the Flow of Kundalini and Orgone 17 Aug 2009 | 10:32 pm
Before similarities between kundalini and orgone, let’s see how our muscular system obstructs the flow of both through our body. Wilhelm Reich was a pioneer psychiatrist who worked with Dr. Sigmund F...
From Chakra Balancing through Dissolving Chakras to Kundalini Awakening through Kundalini Yoga 13 Aug 2009 | 03:37 am
Kundalini awakening through kundalini yoga means chakra balancing through dissolving chakras either one by one or all together in one single go. Yoga and tantra both have their different specialized ...
Kundalini Energy of Tantra and Tantric Yoga & Orgone Energy of Wilhelm Reich 10 Aug 2009 | 10:32 pm
Tantra and tantric yoga spoke of kundalini energy; Wilhelm Reich talked of orgone energy in the body. The former in Sanskrit literally means “coiled”. It has not only been conceived but also sensed a...
Bright Eyes, Magic Eye Button, Third Eye Chakra, Emotions, Signs of Stress and Sex Games of Free Energy… 5 Aug 2009 | 07:53 pm
Bright eyes, magic eye button, third eye chakra, emotions, signs of stress, sex games of free energy… …Let me sum up everything written here in this blog till date in a very precise manner as the gis...
Sex Problems as Signs of Stress Turning Bright Eyes Dull 3 Aug 2009 | 06:36 pm
Sex problems are very closely related to the signs of stress turning bright eyes dull. The two are in fact the replica of each other, so we do need setting our sex life in order if we really want to t...
Preparing for Sex Games of Energy: Free Energy of Awareness 29 Jul 2009 | 10:16 pm
Sex games of energy not only require physical fitness but free energy of awareness also! Energy of Awareness Sexual excitation imparts this energy to the mind along with the sparkle of a laser-like ...
Preparing for Sex Games of Energy: Physical Fitness 27 Jul 2009 | 07:53 pm
Sex games of energy require preparatory exercises for physical fitness as well! Sexual excitation imparts energy to the body along with shine to the bright eyes as they are. Only the body should be a...
Sex Games vs Stress Reduction: Beating Signs of Stress through Breaking The Habit 22 Jul 2009 | 08:09 pm
Sex games require stress reduction by beating signs of stress through breaking the habit to raise the passion rolling the ball before the games themselves take the reins in their hands at a later stag...
Stress, Sex Games and Deep Penetration of Awareness into Bright Eyes and Mind 20 Jul 2009 | 09:52 pm
Taking stress is an attitude reflecting in sex games if bright eyes miss deep penetration of awareness in their glance as does the mind in its projection. If this is the case, the following preparator...