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Where life has gone… 16 Jul 2013 | 11:20 pm
Well I promised I would write when I felt like writing. And today, for the first time in months, I suddenly did. So what’s new? Simultaneously everything and nothing, it seems. When I wrote my las...
Things that make us happy 4 Feb 2013 | 01:27 am
I love this sign! I liked Sarah’s post from earlier this week, where she wrote a great long list of things that make her happy. Because I love both lists and talking about things that make me happy, h...
January 28 Jan 2013 | 03:51 am
So we’ve just about made it through January. Hurrah! As ever, it took me a little while to get going following two weeks of Christmas and New Year madness involving far too many late nights, way too...
In 2012 31 Dec 2012 | 02:36 pm
In 2012 I took up running and completed my first 10K. In 2012 I learned yoga, I took up ceilidh dancing and I started going to boxing classes. In 2012 I went to Amsterdam, Brussels, Bruges and London...
Hello! 28 Dec 2012 | 01:04 am
Hello indeed! I hope everyone had a warm, cosy, happy Christmas full of all the things that make this time of year come alive for you. For my part, Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without the annual...
The Big Blanket 28 Nov 2012 | 03:07 am
So it took a year (with a sizeable Summer-sized break in the middle), lots of wool, a good measure of swearing and – yeah – some humming of Chariots of Fire as I was finishing the last row, but I got ...
Last Week I… 6 Nov 2012 | 02:58 am
…frolicked around in a lot of snow at the top of a hill. …ate a veggie breakfast fit for a king. …went to a Friday-night ceilidh that was 300 people-strong and properly rocking. As in, sweat pouring ...
A List for Autumn – an update 1 Nov 2012 | 02:06 am
So it’s, er, November tomorrow. And I’ve done….six things on my list for Autumn. I’ve also abandoned three others as unattainable. Oh dear! Here’s a note of my progress so far (full list here). Go...
Have a Happy Halowe’en… 1 Nov 2012 | 01:18 am …but keep your clothes on ladies. Thanks. Subscribe to the comments for this post? Share this on Facebook Tweet This! Email this via Gmail Digg this! Email this ...
Nothing says I Love You like a hand-painted cup 28 Oct 2012 | 01:55 pm
Easy peasy Christmas present idea – this took me about half an hour. The quote is from my favourite poem. Subscribe to the comments for this post? Share this on Facebook Tweet This! Email this via Gm...