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Today's Big Lie: Deep Freeze 3 Apr 2010 | 05:10 am
For Global Warming Foes, Sometimes a Story is Just Too Good to be True. The Lie: "Famed global warming activist James Schneider and a journalist friend were both found frozen to death on Saturday, ab...
Today's Big Lie: The Case of the Uninvited Guests 5 Jan 2010 | 09:49 am
The Lie: "They[the delegation of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh] were part of a secure package [during their White House State Dinner in late November." The Liar: Secret Service spokesman Ed Do...
Today's Big Lie: "I didn't campaign on a public option." 5 Jan 2010 | 06:21 am
Last Big Lie of the Year: "I didn't campaign on a public option." The Liar: President Barack Obama. What Kind of a Lie is It?: Veteran political cynics may regard it as a garden variety campaign ...
Fibs of Yore: The Established Media Will Triumph on the Internet 30 Dec 2009 | 08:26 am
Specifically: A 1995 statement by New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger asserting that "The people who created...the Internet more or less up until now are frontiers people...And behind those fro...
Today's Big Lie: How Many People Attended the Weekend "Tea Party" in DC? 16 Sep 2009 | 01:51 am
The Lie: As many as 2 million demonstrators showed up over the weekend at the DC "Tea Party" demonstrations. Malkin: Inflated crowd estimates. The Liars: Conservative blogger Michelle Malkin, Ma...
Today's Big Lie: Obama Is Really, Really Behind the Public Option 11 Sep 2009 | 06:51 am
The Premise: President Obama, elected on the promise of change and health care reform, has been committed to a public option that would pose real competition to private health insurance companies and ...
Nazis! Dead Babies! Death Panels! Forced Circumcision! The Right Wing Disinformation Scam That's Killing Health Care: A Special Report 4 Sep 2009 | 10:19 am
So Who is Peter Fleckenstein and Why is He so Angry? 4 Sep 2009 | 05:52 am
On August 31, we asked whether or not Peter Fleckenstein, a Phoenix, Arizona-based former Marine who blogs and twitters against the administration's healthcare plan under the name Fleckman, was the ma...
Today's Big Lie: Rush Limbaugh and the Case of the Missing Foreskin 2 Sep 2009 | 06:00 pm
The Lie: "President Obama....wants to mandate circumcision." The Liar: Rush Limbaugh The Context: On his August 25 show, Limbaugh responded to a song by hip hop superstar Jay-Z which told Limbaugh t...
Today's Big Lie: Behind the Health Care Scare Disinformation Campaign 1 Sep 2009 | 05:43 am
Today's Big Lies: This one is plural. Really plural. It concerns a widely circulated email that is making its way through the Internet. The only problem with it, according to , a projec...