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Back Into the Groove… 26 Mar 2012 | 10:29 am
Hey! I want to start this post off with an apology to the faithful readers of this blog. It’s been almost a year since I’ve posted anything here and for that I sincerely apologize. Instead of makin...
The Bible as Self-Justifying and what that Means for Other Worldviews 10 Feb 2012 | 07:34 am
The Bible is self-authenticating. On account of this, there is no need to appeal to anything beyond it in order for it to merit belief. It merits belief of itself. This is absolutely not to say that w...
The Necessity of the Moral Law and Religion in Christianity 4 Feb 2012 | 07:06 am
Like the Pharisees of Jesus’ time who were deemed the religious elite, we have a tendency to condemn and look down on others. And to supposedly help in our obedience to God, we fabricate rules and exe...
Regeneration | The Christian Is Born Again 17 May 2011 | 04:25 pm
In reply Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” JOHN 3:3 Regeneration is a New Testament concept that grew, it seems, out of a parabolic pi...
Justification: Salvation is by Grace Through Faith 23 Mar 2011 | 05:45 am
The doctrine of justification, the storm center of the Reformation, was a major concern of the apostle Paul. For him it was the heart of the gospel (Rom. 1:17; 3:21-5:21; Gal. 2:15-5:1) shaping both h...
Getting the Victory Over Sin Means Looking Away From Yourself 20 Mar 2011 | 10:21 am
Let our hearts admit, “I am poor and weak. Satan is too subtle, too cunning, too powerful; he watches constantly for advantages over my soul. The world presses in upon me with all sorts of pressures, ...
PrayerLife Seminar to be Hosted by Sovereign Grace Orange County 24 Feb 2011 | 09:08 am
– Learning to Pray in a Distracting World “How do I focus when I’m distracted with so much to do?” “How do I pray longer than five minutes?” “How do I ask when I have tried it before and it just does...
Announcement! 5 Feb 2011 | 12:02 pm
I know it’s been a short while since I’ve actually written a post, (the blog has been more of an aggregator lately) but I wanted to sit down and update you all on what God has been doing lately in my...
Don’t Be Deceived You Who Attend Church 30 Jan 2011 | 09:23 am
A timely video for the “church” in America whom many of its members profess to believe in Jesus Christ yet turn around and live like the devil….
Understanding John 3:16 by John Samson 4 Jan 2011 | 02:59 pm
I came across this post by John Samson over @ Effectual Grace a few days ago and thought it was a very well thought out post concerning a biblical understanding of John 3:16. Read on… How can you r...