True-germany - - The truth about Germany

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Germans are rude and oberlehrerhaft 21 Jan 2007 | 06:31 am
(Oberlehrer = Chief Teacher (Upper teacher? – I have a problem with correct translation), „oberlehrerhaft“ means somthing close to „knowing everything better then others“) Where does this prejudice c...
Germans are rude and oberlehrerhaft 21 Jan 2007 | 01:31 am
(Oberlehrer = Chief Teacher (Upper teacher? – I have a problem with correct translation), „oberlehrerhaft“ means somthing close to „knowing everything better then others“) Where does this prejudice co...
German men like uniforms to travel the world 13 Aug 2006 | 12:18 am
Due the last century, especially german men are well known for travelling in uniform. People from Abroad now think, that germans have a special relation to uniforms. Not all ist true about this. Sure,...
All germans are addicted to the 2006 soccer worldcup 19 May 2006 | 06:11 am
In front of the soccer worldcup I’m facing this prejudice a very personal way. Because I’m not a soccer fan I’m looking for places where is no soccer worldcup hype. But I learned: All germans are addi...
Write Comments! 13 Apr 2006 | 05:27 am
Today we got the following email: “I loved what you had to say too about German girls.:-) I visited Munich back in 2000 and was flabergasted at the sight of soo many beautiful women!!!:-) The wor...
Darwin or Holy Bible 5 Apr 2006 | 03:54 am
Some people in the world are discussing hard about the topic “Is manhood made by god or is it result of evolution”. In a small city in south of germany we have found the last proove for the evolution....