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Installation and Configuration of Oracle 10g RAC Database Cluster with Error/Bug Fix 29 Sep 2010 | 11:14 pm
Found Great tutorial about installation and configuration of Oracle 10g cluster which covers following topics 01. Requirements 02. Installation and Configuration of OS 03. Configure Private Network...
Acme::Sporke version v0.0.8 required 13 Apr 2009 | 02:29 pm
If you receive error while compiling easyapache shown at following image then run following cPanel scripts and then run easyapache 1)/scripts/checkperlmodules 2)/scripts/upcp –force
Horde webmail error 10 Apr 2009 | 10:49 am
If horde webmail is not working on windows + plesk server and receiving following errors when login to horde…. Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘PEAR.php’ for inclusion (include_pat...
Couldn’t load Template::Stash::XS 2.20 2 Apr 2009 | 10:15 am
If you are receiving following errors while running easyapache or any other script then go through following solutions to fix this issue. ===================================================== Can’t ...
How does the Conficker worm work? 25 Mar 2009 | 11:37 am
The Conficker worm is a computer worm that can infect your computer and spread itself to other computers across a network automatically, without human interaction. WORM: Win32/Conflicker attempts to ...
ERROR: cannot contain ‘..’ to indicate the parent directory 13 Mar 2009 | 07:49 pm
While developing a website there are many code snippets which are used on various pages. In such cases the website developers save such code snippets in a particular file and call the in pages using <...
MSSQL Connection Error with PHP 1 Mar 2009 | 11:15 am
mssql_connect() is a function which establishes a connection to a MS SQL server using PHP. To use MSSQL database in PHP page make sure that MSSQL dll is enabled in PHP. To check open php.ini file and ...
SSH Error: /etc/shells is either world writable or not a normal file 27 Feb 2009 | 12:52 pm
Recently while trying to login into a VPS; SSH was not accepting Password for the user root. So, I logged into the VPS from Hardware Node (Host Server) and checked /var/log/messages to get exact Error...
CPanel Error: Error while connecting to MySQL. Failover enacted 22 Feb 2009 | 01:36 am
CPanel of any domain shows following Error on MySQL Databases Section of Left Hand Side Panel SOLUTION: This error comes when Perl modules for database are outdated OR not installed. You can install...
Plesk ERROR: PleskMainDBException 18 Jan 2009 | 03:08 am
While accessing plesk control panel, somtime we get following Error SOLUTION: The Main reason of this problem is corrupted Plesk Database. We can check that using following command To resolve the i...