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Government Has No Business Defining What ‘Reporter’ Means 27 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm
Some members of Congress are trying to decide what determines a journalist’s authenticity; NSA agents are spying on their ex-lovers; meanwhile, honey was found in Egyptian tombs, perfectly preserved. ...
The Prince: Meet the Man Who Co-Opted Democracy in the Middle East 27 Aug 2013 | 12:15 pm
By Robert Scheer Now that the Arab Spring has been turned into a totally owned subsidiary of the Saudi royal family, it is time to honor Prince Bandar bin Sultan as the most effective Machiavellian p...
Are Cigarettes Cigarettes If They’re Electronic? 27 Aug 2013 | 07:55 am
E-cigarettes, those small vaporizers that deliver nicotine to the lungs without fire and smoke, are the apparent future of tobacco, and the FDA is about to respond to the industry with a pack of regul...
Dr. Hansen, We Need You at Fukushima and Diablo Canyon 27 Aug 2013 | 06:23 am
By Harvey Wasserman The sales pitch for new nuclear technologies is a dangerous diversion, like building an experimental garage while a raging radioactive fire forever contaminates our only home. Re...
Missing: The LA Times’ Provocateur Extraordinaire 27 Aug 2013 | 06:10 am
By Mark Heisler No, I don’t know what’s going on with the Los Angeles Times’ love-him-or-hate-him T.J. Simers, whose sports column has disappeared from the paper since June 2, when he staged a free t...
Assad Must Be Punished 27 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
By Eugene Robinson History says don’t do it. Most Americans say don’t do it. But President Obama has to punish Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad’s homicidal regime with a military strike—and hope that ...
U.S. Promises ‘Consequences’ in Syria, Whatever U.N. Inspectors Find 27 Aug 2013 | 02:50 am
Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday the U.S. has “undeniable” proof of Syria’s use of chemical weapons and more or less brushed off a United Nations inspection team that has suffered sniper fire...
U.S. Caves to Tobacco Lobby on Trade Pact Position 27 Aug 2013 | 02:41 am
Facing opposition by Big Tobacco and its legislative supporters, the Obama administration has apparently backed down from a proposal to use international trade agreements to preclude the tobacco indus...
The Neutered Message of the March on Washington 27 Aug 2013 | 02:29 am
“Based upon the speeches during the main portion of today’s events there can be little doubt that the Dr. King who was murdered in Memphis in 1968 would not have been allowed to speak at this fiftieth...
No Evil 27 Aug 2013 | 01:15 am
By Patrick Chappatte, Cagle Cartoons, The International Herald Tribune Related Entries January 11, 2006 Site Preferences August 26, 2013 Syria and Affleck