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Ya, I went to high school with some real fuckin winners, I tell... 26 Aug 2013 | 10:27 am
Ya, I went to high school with some real fuckin winners, I tell ya. The fuck off my newsfeed with this crap. #delusional #bigot #selffap #imnotoverlyentitledtoashitopinion #imjustblessedlol
Breakfast for dinner #foodporn 26 Aug 2013 | 02:36 am
Breakfast for dinner #foodporn
@ninaxgriffin and I got these awesome prints in from... 23 Aug 2013 | 11:09 pm
@ninaxgriffin and I got these awesome prints in from @oliver_bach_ yesterday, check his stuff out. Thanks for all the cool little extras man, these will look great on our walls. #tattoo #tattooflash #...
@ninaxgriffin finally got her wedding band today 22 Aug 2013 | 02:50 am
@ninaxgriffin finally got her wedding band today
Being stuck on duty overnight makes me really miss my princess.... 21 Aug 2013 | 05:30 am
Being stuck on duty overnight makes me really miss my princess. Fuckin love this girl right here more than you guys could even comprehend, just sayin’. @ninaxgriffin
#mealprep for lunch this week. Jerk chicken titties, spinach w/... 20 Aug 2013 | 06:44 am
#mealprep for lunch this week. Jerk chicken titties, spinach w/ tha jalapeño cheese, and egg noodles. #ironcheffin #foodporn
Finally got my hard copy orders to Boone Clinic, so stoked to be... 19 Aug 2013 | 07:06 pm
Finally got my hard copy orders to Boone Clinic, so stoked to be staying in VB until I’m out of the Navy.
Dog sitting these crazy little fuckers for a few days. 10 Aug 2013 | 02:44 pm
Dog sitting these crazy little fuckers for a few days.
Got the .357 riding shotgun today. Feelin’ lucky, punk?... 10 Aug 2013 | 03:41 am
Got the .357 riding shotgun today. Feelin’ lucky, punk? #taurusfirearms #357magnum
Adding this beaut to my collection next week, can’t... 1 Aug 2013 | 07:56 pm
Adding this beaut to my collection next week, can’t friggin wait any longer. Remington model 770 chambered in 30-06 #remington #remington770 #3006 #igmilitia #2ndamendment