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Happy Friday! 24 Aug 2013 | 03:04 am
My friends, I'm sorry I've been away so long ... as you might suspect my days (and nights) are pretty busy right now, and we're getting Bookworm ready to leave for college next week ... so I'll be wra...
Doe a Deer ... 14 Aug 2013 | 09:11 pm
A female deer ... .. and her fawn. :) This mama deer actually has two fawns - we saw all of them earlier this crisp and glorious morning. (Such a gorgeous August day ~ there's a hint of fall in thi...
A Milestone and a Menu Plan 13 Aug 2013 | 02:54 am
First the milestone: Little Bear laughed for the very first time today! And I mean, full-on, eye-crinkling, belly-laughed! I have no idea what set him off, other than my face, lol. I had him in the Ba...
New Routines & Other Things 8 Aug 2013 | 11:45 pm
Remembering how much I *love* the baby bjorn - he sleeps well/I get stuff done! Thinking about new routines these days - finding ways to get things done with one hand or in tiny pockets of time when ...
A Baptism & a Graduation Party! (BIG post ahead!) 5 Aug 2013 | 04:44 pm
Happy Monday, my friends! My apologies that I've been away so long, but we've been quite busy here - settling into the house, relishing our babymoon, and preparing for a very special day in our famil...
Little Boy in the Hood 31 Jul 2013 | 03:57 am
Wearing his first tiny hoodie, Little Bear was all snug on a recent trip to the supermarket ... we had a rare chilly day here (in the midst of a super hot summer) so this soft jersey jacket was just t...
☀ Little Bear is 2 Months Old! 26 Jul 2013 | 06:38 pm
Two months old and such a joy! Our Little Bear is growing so fast - cooing (his catchphrase: agoo) and smiling (real smiles!), reaching for things (including his toes!) and working on that head and n...
An Update and Many Thanks! 26 Jul 2013 | 12:27 am
First off, I want to thank you all for your wonderful advice and kind prayers! I knew all I had to do was ask, and I would receive many thoughtful responses regarding my current illness. I appreciate...
Nursing Mother Advice? 23 Jul 2013 | 12:05 am
(Note: This post will certainly be "TMI" for many folks so please feel free to skip it!) So, I've been nursing for eight weeks and over the past couple of days I noticed some symptoms that made me th...
☀ Baby Boy in Blue 16 Jul 2013 | 07:55 pm
I sure am glad you all are enjoying my Little Bear updates, because I can't seem to help posting them! :) These particular pictures were taken very early this morning as LB enjoyed his infant swing ...