Typepad - ecarmel.typepad.com - Elizabeth Carmel's Landscape Photography Blog

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Blog has moved to http://blog.elizabethcarmel.com/ 14 Oct 2010 | 06:30 am
My blog has moved from the typepad platform to a blogger platform hosted at http://blog.elizabethcarmel.com/. PLease bookmark or subscribe to this blog feed at this new location. I redesigned the blog...
2010 Autumn Color in the Eastern Sierra 8 Oct 2010 | 08:26 am
I did a quick trip down to Mammoth a few days ago to drop of some of my large canvas prints for display at the Mammoth Gallery in the Mammoth Village. I also dropped off my books and new 2011 Calendar...
New 2011 Calendar and Ipad Wallpaper App 5 Oct 2010 | 10:10 am
I have 2 exciting new products to announce: Our 2011 Elizabeth & Olof Carmel Sierra Photography Calendar is now in stock and ready to ship. We have a limited number of these calendars printed and they...
Fine Art Print Installation Examples 23 Sep 2010 | 05:47 am
I have posted a series of installation examples of my fine art prints on my website. These are installation examples from a private residence, the new Ritz Carlton Highlands at Lake Tahoe, and at the ...
New ElizabethCarmel.com Website! 8 Sep 2010 | 09:38 am
I am pleased to announce my newly redesigned website with fully secure online shopping capability, easier image browsing, wish-list creation, gift registry, social network image sharing, image email c...
Thunderstorms & Wildflowers in the Sierra 17 Aug 2010 | 09:04 am
Summer in the Sierra brings dramatic displays of both thunderstorms and wildflowers. A few weeks ago we had a dramatic storm that started to clear at sunset, leaving a spectacular display of clouds an...
New Black & White Images from Paris 6 Aug 2010 | 08:26 am
We spent a week in Paris in July. We rented a great little apartment on the left bank that gave us easy access to all the sites. I have edited the collection of images I took from about 500 down to 20...
Pottery Barn Collection & 2011 Lake Tahoe Workshop Announcement 5 Aug 2010 | 07:33 am
I am back from a wonderful trip to Sweden & Paris and am working on editing images from the trip. All went well with my travels and I was pleased with some of my images, which I will be adding to my o...
A Few Travel Tips for Photographers 11 Jul 2010 | 08:05 am
I am leaving for a few weeks in Sweden and Paris next week, so I thought I would share a few of the tips I have learned on how to travel internationally with a full set of lenses and medium format dig...
New Releases from Redwood National Park 5 Jul 2010 | 11:18 am
In mid June I had a chance to do a quick trip up to Redwood National Park in Northern California, home of the magnificent Coastal Redwoods and the wild Rhododendrons. I was able to find one blooming g...