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Mobile Responsive Design For Real Estate Websites Is A Mistake 27 Jul 2013 | 04:16 am
It’s hard to ignore. The buzz this year has been all about the push for Responsive Designs. The sales pitch is “You need to make your site display properly on a mobile device.” Well I think it is crap...
Lori Turoff – Real Estate Blogging Success Profiled 25 Jun 2013 | 03:38 am
Lori Turoff of Hoboken, NJ. Website: HobokenRealEstateNews.com Tomato: How long has blogging been a part of your real estate marketing strategy? LT: Well, ever since we first connected way back in lat...
Calls-To-Action – Real Estate Website Theme Design Series Part Three 17 Apr 2013 | 02:42 am
U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Ben A. Gonzales The usefulness of your website to your visitor needs to be established in the first impression. Here’s how you make sure yo...
Calls-To-Action – Real Estate Website Theme Design Series Part Three 17 Apr 2013 | 02:42 am
U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Ben A. Gonzales The usefulness of your website to your visitor needs to be established in the first impression. Here’s how you make sure you ...
Thanks For The Robot, C.A.R. 5 Apr 2013 | 09:30 pm
A curious package arrived the other day. It’s contents just as curious. An Electron Robot and a note expressing that they would appreciate me blogging about it. Apparently it has to do with a new mark...
Thanks For The Robot, C.A.R. 5 Apr 2013 | 09:30 pm
A curious package arrived the other day. It’s contents just as curious. An Electron Robot and a note expressing that they would appreciate me blogging about it. Apparently it has to do with a new mark...
Navigation: Real Estate Website Theme Design Series Part Two 21 Mar 2013 | 02:24 am
Part Two: The Navigation Almost every article we write should could start off the same way: Consider the audience you are intending to attract to your website. Make every decision with them in mind....
Navigation: Real Estate Website Theme Design Series Part Two 21 Mar 2013 | 02:24 am
Part Two: The Navigation Almost every article we write should could start off the same way: Consider the audience you are intending to attract to your website. Make every decision with them in mind....
The Header: Real Estate Website Theme Design Series Part One 20 Mar 2013 | 10:59 pm
We have designed a ton of real estate websites; nearly 1,000 to date. Every one of them began with a comprehensive Design Interview between client and the Real Estate Tomato creative staff. Each int...
The Header: Real Estate Website Theme Design Series Part One 20 Mar 2013 | 10:59 pm
We have designed a ton of real estate websites; nearly 1,000 to date. Every one of them began with a comprehensive Design Interview between client and the Real Estate Tomato creative staff. Each int...