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Classic Amiga Games 15 May 2012 | 09:51 pm
Classic Amiga Games Some of the games that came out during the Amiga years truly were amazing. I remember as a kid when I had my little NES and my cousin had his Amiga. The difference between the gra...
Classic Sonic Games 14 May 2012 | 09:38 pm
Classic Sonic Games In terms of video game icons is there really anyone bigger than Mario and Sonic? I think the majority of people on the planet know who Sonic the Hedgehog is even if they are not i...
Classic NES Games List 12 May 2012 | 09:28 pm
Classic NES Games List I loved my NES as a kid, that really though does not make me special as to tell the truth most gamers who are my age loved there NES as well. It is with good reason though as t...
Classic Game Boy Games List 2 May 2012 | 01:43 am
Classic Game Boy Games Ahh the good ol Nintendo Game Boy, words cannot say how much I love this little grey fellow. It really is the definition of a classic. Most gamers will firmly believe that, whi...
Classic Playstation Games List 2 May 2012 | 01:40 am
Classic Playstation Games Who, in all honesty, could have predicted the huge impact that the original Sony Playstation would have in the world of video games. The sheer volume of games that are avail...
Xbox Classic Games List 2 May 2012 | 01:28 am
Xbox Classic Games I was a little sceptical when the Xbox was first announced, who were Microsoft to think they could step into Sega shoes? I thought this was going to be another 3DO or CDi, and it w...
Atari Games List 1 May 2012 | 10:54 pm
Atari Games List Hi guys, the Atari 2600 was my introduction to the world of video games as a kid, and I still have very fond memories of the console to this day. Its really amazing to see just how m...
Classic Nintendo 64 Games worth your time 19 Apr 2012 | 01:35 am
The Nintendo 64, with its cartridge based game, may have not have lasted all 12 rounds in the ring with Sony’s Playstation, but there is no getting away from the fact that it produced some of the best...
Classic Playstation Games worth your time 18 Apr 2012 | 10:38 pm
I loved my Sony Playstation and still to this day vividly remember getting one on my 15th birthday, on November 19th 1995, along with a copy of Tekken. With its huge library of classic Playstation gam...
Street Fighter on Nintendo 18 Apr 2012 | 09:55 pm
Its crazy to think that Street Fighter II first hit the Super Nintendo 20 years ago. It really was a game changer, and for many of us who are old enough to remember, playing this arcade gem when it wa...