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My Vegan Day Trip to Provincetown, Cape Cod 9 Jul 2013 | 07:42 am
This past Sunday, I decided to take a day trip to Provincetown on Cape Cod. It became known to me that the town had become even more vegan-friendly in the two or three years since I had last visited. ...
Pilgrims and Vegan Eats in Historic Plymouth, MA 20 Dec 2012 | 03:25 am
Any time of year is great to pay a visit to historic Plymouth, Massachusetts! Tourists from around the world make a journey to little town to see where America got started! I made a couple of day trip...
Holiday Gift Guide For Vegan Travelers 5 Dec 2012 | 06:33 am
The Christmas season is upon us! This is a great time to shop for holiday gifts for the vegan traveler in your life! From travel snacks to travel gear, vegans have many options to fulfill their travel...
My Vegan Weekend in Atlanta, Georgia 14 Nov 2012 | 11:22 pm
This past Friday I took a weekend mini-vacation to visit Atlanta, Georgia. My purpose was twofold: 1. to attend Atlanta’s first VegFest ever and 2. to go sightseeing and also indulge in the region’s v...
Vegan Road Trippin’ for Autumn Veggie and Fruit Festivals in New England 22 Oct 2012 | 10:56 pm
The Autumn season is the perfect time for vegans to take a road trip! Many cities and across across the land pay homage to various vegetables and fruits by offering a festival in their name! The New E...
Vegan Sailing…Eat, Sail, Love in the Virgin Islands! 21 Sep 2012 | 06:17 am
The following is a guest post by Captain Dave, Founder of “Vegan Sailing”. Thank you for the opportunity to tell your readers about Vegan Sailing…Eat, Sail, Love in the Virgin Islands! Vegan Sailing o...
A Vegan Wardrobe For A Warm Weather Vacation 30 Aug 2012 | 04:34 am
Vegetarians, vegans, and eco-conscious tourists have many options for travel clothing and accessories these days! Both online and storefront retail companies offer quite the selection for clothing, sh...
Vegan Road Trip to Lower Cape Cod (Chatham, Orleans, Truro, Eastham, Wellfleet) 28 Aug 2012 | 01:14 am
Lower Cape Cod has some of the most beautiful beaches and shore lines in the eastern United States. I made two day tripping adventures there recently! The town of Chatham is located at the ‘elbow’ of ...
Vegan Road Trip to Upper Cape Cod (Falmouth, Yarmouth, Osterville, Hyannis, Dennis) 21 Aug 2012 | 07:09 am
Summertime in New England means a visit to Cape Cod! Fortunately for me as a Massachusetts resident, it gives me the privilege of multiple visits per season! The Cape is geographically known for it’s ...
A Vegan Camping Trip in White Mountains – New Hampshire! 15 Aug 2012 | 05:39 am
Last weekend, I went on a camping trip to the White Mountains of New Hampshire! As someone who has experienced many camping adventures since childhood, I knew how to prepare for my weekend in the wood...