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Bitcoin – The environmentally Friendly payment processor 17 Apr 2013 | 04:32 pm
You may or may not have recently read an article about the power consumption behind the bitcoin network, which has been labelled by as an “environmental disaster” – while I see the basic premise behin...
Accidental Hardfork – The Resilience of a Fledgling Bitcoin 13 Mar 2013 | 01:36 pm
In the early hours of March 12th 2013 the bitcoin currency and community was tested in a big way. What resulted is a testament to the resilience of bitcoin, and has given me personally substantial con...
The symbiosis of Bitcoin Regulation 27 Feb 2013 | 09:43 pm
Hardcore bitcoin anarchists love the unregulated nature of bitcoins and fight against any form of regulation, but I believe bitcoin can thrive with regulation, and we can all have our cake and eat it ...
Why This Isn’t a Bitcoin Bubble 22 Feb 2013 | 11:32 pm
Bitcoins today surpassed the $30/bitcoin mark, which for many was a landmark price point following the “bitcoin bust” of mid-2011. But similarly it is opening up old wounds and causing fear in many th...
Spammers can’t keep their story straight. 21 Feb 2013 | 01:16 am
Take a look at this extremely flattering comment I just received. The email address is one for a “Wilford Stephenson”, a very nice name. The poster has entered their name as “Jaqueline”, but has signe...
Valuations of Stocks in Bitcoin – Brain Melt 20 Feb 2013 | 09:15 pm
Consider a company/stock with the following attributes: a) It’s shares are bought and sold with bitcoins b) It’s valuation is in bitcoins c) It’s profits are in bitcoins Now imagine those prof...
Bitcoins Hyperdeflation 15 Feb 2013 | 07:32 pm
Hyperdeflation is billed as one of the crippling flaws in the bitcoin currency. For a single currency economy, hyperdeflation absolutely is crippling, but bitcions aren’t trading in a single currency ...
Was the bitcoin bust, really a bitcoin boom? 15 Feb 2013 | 02:56 pm
After writing my last post on bitcoins, I entered into numerous debates with various individuals who couldn’t resist bringing up the “bitcoin bust” of 2011. Which led me to have another look at the da...
Bitcoins are a tech stock 15 Feb 2013 | 03:39 am
What are bitcoins, everybody asks. The usual answer is “they are a distributed, semi-anonymous, peer to peer, cryptographic digital currency” or something along those lines, but there is another simpl...
How to Detatch Audio in Premier Pro with Unlink 14 Feb 2013 | 11:11 pm
This is a quick video tutorial to show you How to Detatch Audio in Premier Pro with the Unlink option.