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Weekly Roundup. Products I'm Obsessed With. Pantone and Josie Maran. 26 May 2012 | 06:40 am
I try to avoid Sephora. Not because I have a vendetta against their black and white lacquered walls--but because I have absolutely no self control once I set foot in there. Zero. Nada. So when I we....
Market of Happiness. St Josep de la Boqueria. BARCELONA 23 May 2012 | 02:42 am
Spending a few days in Barcelona it became wildly apparent I was ill-equipped to ask for directions let alone try and purchase things. With a cousin fluent in Spanish I hadn't bothered myself to lear...
Lazy Tourists Unite: Getting Lost is Sometimes a Good Thing. BARCELONA 15 May 2012 | 05:15 am
I'm a lazy tourist. I don't get up at 8AM, I don't map out cultural plans, I don't research for hours on end, I just show up and walk a lot. Since I don't own maps/rely far too much on my iPhone whi...
Is It Me Or Is This Movie Wildly Insensitive? Chernobyl Diaries 8 May 2012 | 03:27 am
Being of the last few decades—when I learned about Chernobyl it was uttered in the same breath as Hiroshima. Both were cataclysmic the world-is-ending tragedies. Both areas are feeling effects till t...
A View From The Top. Barcelona, Spain. 2 May 2012 | 01:08 am
Spending a week in Barcelona I had a schedule. Get up. Go on my cousin's terrace. Be impressed. Really impressed. Cortado. Go out. Repeat. Donde los todos indeed. Views from different mornings/eveni...
A Day At the Beach. HOSSEGOR, France. 25 Apr 2012 | 09:19 pm
For somebody who despises sand I have a slight obsession with the beach. On an impromptu vacation I visited the place of my youth. Every summer, I had the fortune to go to Seignosse, a beach town in ...
These Boots Are Made For Skipping. 5 Apr 2012 | 02:42 am
No disrespect to Nancy Sinatra, but I've had my eye on certain pairs of boots for nigh on two months now and they are just too pretty. Opening Ceremony // Red Suede Brenda Booties ssense I feel lik....
Sunshine. Story Of Modern-Day Mad Men. 3 Apr 2012 | 08:21 am
[Update: looks like they took down the video, to watch Sunshine click here] Sunshine from American Buffalo on Vimeo. Meet John Benet. American advertising producer from TBWA and a modern day "Mad Ma...
Dear Butter, I Miss You, Please Deliver to Canada. 2 Apr 2012 | 06:13 am
After buying in bulk this December, I'm finally on my last legs of my Butter London supplies. The brand that has allowed me to essentially stop spending ludicrous amounts of money on manicures is on m...
What To Do When in Barcelona? Let's Find Out. VINCON. 1 Apr 2012 | 04:35 am
It's been two long years since I've been back to the motherland. Headed to Biarritz and Barcelona in a few weeks I'm starting to realize I need to do more than drink in public (see above from last tri...