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Blog: Patch Tuesday August 2012 - An Array of Client-Side and Server-Side Targets 15 Aug 2012 | 01:53 am

August brings a wild array of Microsoft technologies to update this month, with both significant client side and server side targets in this month's list of vulnerable software. Nine security bulletin...

Blog: The Mystery of the Encrypted Gauss Payload 14 Aug 2012 | 09:00 pm

There are many remaining mysteries in the Gauss and Flame stories. For instance, how do people get infected with the malware? Or, what is the purpose of the uniquely named “Palida Narrow” font that Ga...

Blog: Online detection of Gauss 10 Aug 2012 | 10:23 pm

After the publication of our whitepaper about the Gauss cyber-attack, we have been asked if there is an easy way for users to check their system for infection. Of course the most reliable way is to do...

Blog: Dorifel is much bigger than expected and it's still active and growing! 10 Aug 2012 | 05:48 pm

When I was sitting down and investigating the Dorifel malware I noticed that the servers hosting the Dorifel malware was not configured properly and allowed for example directory listing in certain di...

Analysis: Gauss: Abnormal Distribution 9 Aug 2012 | 09:01 pm

While analyzing the Flame malware that we detected in May 2012, Kaspersky Lab experts identified some distinguishing features of Flame's modules.

Blog: Gauss: Nation-state cyber-surveillance meets banking Trojan 9 Aug 2012 | 09:00 pm

Gauss is the most recent cyber-surveillance operation in the Stuxnet, Duqu and Flame saga. It was probably created in mid-2011 and deployed for the first time in August-September 2011. Gauss was disc...

Analysis: IT Threat Evolution: Q2 2012 8 Aug 2012 | 03:30 pm

According to KSN data, Kaspersky Lab products detected and neutralized over 1 billion threats in Q2 2012.

Blog: New ZitMo for Android and Blackberry 7 Aug 2012 | 08:54 pm

Ten months ago we’ve published an article about ZeuS-in-the-Mobile which contains an overview of everything we knew about ZitMo at that moment. The paper finishes with the following prediction: ‘they ...

Blog: Trying to unmask the fake Microsoft support scammers! 4 Aug 2012 | 04:27 pm

I’m pretty sure that most of you guys know about the recent phone scam which is circulating right now. They have been calling a lot of people in countries such as Germany, Sweden, the UK and probably ...

Blog: 5 takeaways from Las Vegas 3 Aug 2012 | 01:35 pm

Probably the two most important security conferences in the world are held in Las Vegas during the same week, gathering more than 15,000 attendees and offering dozens of talks. Even if you are here, y...

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