Wait-till-i - wait-till-i.com - Christian Heilmann

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Lightning talk: Five tools to create visuals for presentations 22 Aug 2013 | 09:56 pm
I am currently in Toronto, Canada at a work-week of the websites and developer engagement team in Mozilla. We’re organising a lot of things, plan and also share. In the lightning talk round I got up t...
Numbers… and bullshit. 20 Aug 2013 | 09:43 am
In the last few weeks I was slightly off the grid. I had a quick holiday, I traveled, I enjoyed the “fun” of wireless offers in US hotels. Sometimes that is a good thing. I realised a few things in th...
A short developer evangelism handbook update 13 Aug 2013 | 12:07 pm
Following a few discussions I had with the developer evangelism reps group lately, I just added a small update to the Developer Evangelism Handbook. In the “Work with your own company” I added a new s...
Giving a talk is cool – getting a song made from your talk is cooler! 13 Aug 2013 | 09:59 am
Earlier this year, I was lucky enough to speak at Beyond Tellerand in Germany. My talk Fixing the mobile web (video on Vimeo) was a passionate session on how the web is not only for the rich with the ...
Playing with Leapmotion for accessibility 31 Jul 2013 | 06:01 am
Today I spent a few hours in the Leap motion offices talking about the web possibilities of this cool new technology. On the way back we had an internet connectivity outage, so it was a great opportun...
Flipping the image when accessing the laptop camera with getUserMedia 20 Jul 2013 | 01:22 am
This is one of my bugbears: when I see demos or tools that access the camera with getUserMedia and the image is “the wrong way around”. Say I sit in front of this computer, and lean slightly to my lef...
Senchacon 2013 – HTML5 and beyond 18 Jul 2013 | 08:22 pm
I am currently in cloudy and hot Florida for SenchaCon 2013 and was asked to give a talk about “cool new technology and upcoming standards”. Instead, I gave a talk about using already available modern...
Quickie: A scriptless, imageless, no-third party code Twitter share button for WordPress 10 Jul 2013 | 01:43 am
Pestered by my colleague Jason Weathersby (“you should have a share button on your blog, I don’t want to copy and paste the title and the URL”) I just added a “share on Twitter” button at the end of a...
Five presentation traps to avoid in technical talks 9 Jul 2013 | 07:50 pm
Speaking on stage and in meetings is all about doing it and repeating it until you are more confident and good at it. Yes, you can rehearse the one talk to rule them all and repeatedly deliver it but ...
Make space for the next users of the web – Webvisions Barcelona 2013 6 Jul 2013 | 03:17 am
WebVisions is an interesting series of events in the US and Europe. The audience is incredibly creative and mixed and the workshops range from the traditional web tech topics to robotics to hacking fo...