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Clocks Demise 11 Jan 2007 | 09:01 am
World of Warcraft Ultimate Frusteration.
NAXXRAMAS THE MOVIE 9 Jan 2007 | 08:30 pm
Movie produced by Jack from french guild "Empire" (www.empire-guilde.org), also present in movie the guild "La Garde" (www.lagarde-guild.com).
Exploration The Escapade - Preview 9 Jan 2007 | 07:51 pm
I know what your thinking, "A preview? Wtf?" Well the truth is after some RL, I ran into some nice technical issues and lost well over half the movie. I am in the process of redoing the scenes, and I...
BC - Gruul s Lair - Maulgar 9 Jan 2007 | 03:48 pm
Burning Crusade content. Gruuls Lair might be the first 25 mans instance you will enter, since its recommended for players group lvl 65-68. This is a fast raid instance (similar to Onyxia) with 2 mai...
Quatro The Movie 8 Jan 2007 | 06:03 pm
Quatro The Movie
NfS Hot Pursuit 3 8 Jan 2007 | 06:00 pm
need for speed hot pursuit 3
Chronicle of the Annoying Quest Ep9 8 Jan 2007 | 03:30 pm
Well heres the lower quality version of episode 9. It was up on our site a week ago, so if you havent done so yet, you may want to go register there. www.bakasavants.com
Battlestar Galactica opening 8 Jan 2007 | 10:45 am
A machina film of the BSG opening, World of Warcraft style.
WoW presentation by Joi Ito at 23C3 8 Jan 2007 | 08:02 am
World of Warcraft talk Joi Ito gave at the recent 23rd Chaos Communications Congress that took place in Berlin. His talk is on how World of Warcraft really breeds relevant real world skills, many of w...
A Current Afair Wow Segment 7 Jan 2007 | 06:00 pm
LOL - A Current Afair Ch 9 Australia with another report on a minority of the World of Warcraft community