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Bestselling Waterproof Cameras – APRIL 2012 21 Apr 2012 | 02:16 am
Price updated on April 20th Every month, we study the 100 best-selling camera cameras sold by Amazon and check for any popular waterproof camera that make it to the list.Here are your best selling wa...
Pentax Optio WG-2 Won the TIPA Award ? 17 Apr 2012 | 04:41 pm
Surprise! surprise! We have never thought that a Pentax waterproof camera could win TIPA’s best rugged camera category. But the 29 member magazines and the Camera Journal Press Club (CJPC) of Japan v...
Panasonic TS4 Review – Is the Reporter at the Digital Versus Sleeping? 4 Apr 2012 | 06:42 pm
We were excited when google news alerted us that there’s a Digital Versus’s review of the Panasonic TS4. We jumped to the site because we haven’t received our test unit yet from Panasonic and we want ...
Beautiful Rain Photos – Monthly Inspiration 2 Apr 2012 | 01:17 pm
Now that you have (or intend to get) a waterproof camera, here are some rainy day shots for your inspiration. Photographer: Frederic Mancosu Photographer: Thomas Hawk Photographer: Burning Im...
NEW 2012 Waterproof Cameras. Features, Prices and Release Dates 22 Mar 2012 | 11:18 pm
There’s a lot to talk about in this 2012 waterproof cameras list. There’s the sleek glass plated Sony TX200V, the highly anticipated Canon D20 and more importantly — the first ever waterproof camera ...
Bestselling Waterproof Cameras – March 2012 21 Mar 2012 | 02:32 pm
Price updated on Mar 1st Every month, we study the 100 best-selling camera cameras sold by Amazon and check for any popular waterproof camera that make it to the list. Here are your best selling wat...
TIPS: Lick your lens, ABC Open Reporter Told 19 Mar 2012 | 04:35 pm
If you have been having trouble with your just-out-of-the-water shots because drops of water stick to your lens, here’s a tip. Lick your lens. That’s what McAnulty brothers told an ABC Open Reporter...
17 Beautiful Underwater Photos – Monthly Inspiration 8 Mar 2012 | 12:44 am
Here are some really amazing underwater photos for your inspiration. Photographer: Pasquale Vassallo | Location: Italy Photographer: Alexander Safonov | Location: Cape Gannet Photographer: Ra...
Emma’s Story – Why You Must Register Your Rugged Camera 7 Mar 2012 | 01:04 am
Emma Griffin, 12 accidentally dropped her waterproof camera into the water when she and her family took a trip near the Hawkesbury River, Australia in October this year. She said, “I was taking pictu...
Sony Toss a New Rugged Camera for 2012. Hail the TX20 29 Feb 2012 | 06:23 pm
When Sony announced the stylish, expensive but fragile TX200V, we thought that the model would replace the waterproof TX10. But last night, the company announced 3 more Cybershots, including the wate...