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Mobile Drupal 8 Mar 2009 | 09:20 am
If you haven't seen it yet, check out a new site about building Drupal sites for mobile phones called MobileDrupal.com. read more
Installing Drupal 7 March 4, 2009 - Memory error 5 Mar 2009 | 06:16 am
I've been experimenting with the dev version of Drupal 7 and was initially having problems with the PHP memory. This is the memory error that I was getting: An error occurred. http://d7tank.localhos...
Google's new display for Forums in the SERPs 20 Feb 2009 | 12:10 pm
Google is showing a new type of display for forums in the SERPs, where they list a selection of forum posts related to your query. I think it's a great idea: read more
Are Ad-based URL Shortening Tools Ruining Twitter? 11 Feb 2009 | 10:43 am
There has been a disturbing trend on Twitter lately that has been making Twitter very frustrating to use: frame-based URL shortening tools. read more
How to Find Files With Linux 8 Feb 2009 | 08:16 am
I just bought a new laptop (Thinkpad T500, which I'll review later) and was trying to copy the files from my old laptop to a portable hard drive. There was an error every time the computer tried to co...
If Twitter is Ruby on Rails, Why Is There a PHP Session ID? 14 Dec 2008 | 01:49 pm
I was looking for CNN's main Twitter profile tonight so I typed it into Google and saw this weird URL: twitter.com/cnn?PHPSESSID=55e3829a1bbc090475d430a754192e4b read more
Interesting Links for December 9, 2008 10 Dec 2008 | 05:56 am
Here are som interesting Drupal & open source links that I've been reading today: read more
rel="dofollow" and rel="follow" 20 Nov 2008 | 07:42 pm
I've been getting a fair number of blog comments lately with link attributes like rel="dofollow" and rel="follow". Their purpose is to try to override the CMS' nofollow settings. Trying to override my...
How Drupal Stores Dates in MySQL 19 Nov 2008 | 06:06 pm
Drupal stores dates in Unix time format. I had to look this up because I was trying to find email addresses for users who joined after a certain date. I used a SQL query in phpmyadmin and then exporte...
Drupal 6 vs. Drupal 5 18 Nov 2008 | 08:54 pm
A few people have recently asked me: Should I use Drupal 5 or Drupal 6? Drupal 6 is stable and it has a lot of great features that aren't available in Drupal 5. The only reason I would use Drupal 5 f...