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101 essential lorem ipsum generators 27 Aug 2013 | 02:15 pm
Designers often find themselves in a chicken-egg situation when it comes to content: you need the content to design, but the client wants to write content for finished designs. This is where placehold...
How to style s using DropKick 26 Aug 2013 | 07:15 pm
When it comes to styling webpages, nothing’s as tricky as forms. And when it comes to styling forms — almost — nothing’s as tricky as the <select> input. We can style a <select> with CSS, but there a...
Interview: Steve Matteson 26 Aug 2013 | 02:15 pm
There’s a good chance you’re intimately acquainted with the work of Steve Matteson, it’s probably right in front of you for much of the day. Arguably one of the most influential designers of the 21st...
Our favorite tweets of the week: August 19, 2013 – August 25, 2013 25 Aug 2013 | 02:34 pm
Every week we tweet a lot of interesting stuff highlighting great content that we find on the web that can be of interest to web designers. The best way to keep track of our tweets is simply to follo...
Comics of the week #197 24 Aug 2013 | 02:45 pm
Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging and funny situations that we encounter in our daily lives as designers. These grea...
Deal of the week: Smashing Library 23 Aug 2013 | 10:15 pm
Smashing Magazine is one of the premium sources for learning the principles of web design. Their articles and eBooks cover everything you need to know to get started on the web. Incredibly, you can n...
Free download: 10 photorealistic backdrops 23 Aug 2013 | 07:15 pm
Mocking up a product online can be difficult. Leave it floating in space and it looks wrong. But then, Photoshop it onto a desk or a work surface and you risk overpowering the product; or worse, makin...
60 free resources you really must try 23 Aug 2013 | 02:15 pm
Finding the right elements for a project can significantly improve the quality of the final product, especially if your deadline’s too tight to build these things yourself. Quality is essential if yo...
Transforming the internet in 2013 22 Aug 2013 | 07:15 pm
It’s amazing how far we’ve come in the last 15 years; the web has developed at a rate it took print 150 years or more, to match. What’s exciting is that we’re still going, still exploring, still inno...
How to launch a site in under 5 minutes 22 Aug 2013 | 02:15 pm
Establishing an online presence is absolutely essential in this digital day and age, more so if your profession lies within a creative industry. However, we’ve all heard of how well-shod cobblers chi...