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Vintage/Retro 1940’s Web Design 5 Sep 2009 | 06:56 am
A collection of kick ass vintage and retro web designs inspired by the 1940’s era. Some of the design work on these websites is stunning. http://www.targetscope.com http://bigrigdesign.com http://m...
5 Top SEO Websites 25 Oct 2008 | 08:40 am
Continuing our top 5 series we are focusing on search engine optimisation (SEO) websites this month. All the websites below have a slightly different focus within the SEO community and offer valuable ...
Top 5 Wordpress Premium Theme Websites 19 Aug 2008 | 02:01 am
There are some outsanding themes available for Wordpress at the moment and combined with the power of Wordpress 2.6 there is no better time to switch to this oustanding open source CMS. Here is our li...
CSS Organization Tips 14 Mar 2008 | 10:36 pm
It goes without saying that CSS is now used for layout on a vast majority of websites however for anything but the smallest website keeping your CSS files organized can be tricky. I’ve complied a list...
10 Retro Fonts, Illustrations and Websites 6 Mar 2008 | 12:55 am
I’ve always been fascinated by how artists create that authentic retro look and although its not quite the fad it once was it still has its place for certain brands. However designing a retro theme fo...
Two Tier Dynamic Navigation For Wordpress 20 Feb 2008 | 02:07 am
Creating a basic dynamic navigation is fairly straightforward in Wordpress and with a few tweaks or the installation of a custom plugin you should be good to go. However if your using Wordpress as a C...
SEO Friendly version of Pligg v 9.9.0 13 Feb 2008 | 01:18 am
It takes something really special to drag me away from Wordpress development these days but Pligg, the open source content management system for social media/web 2.0 websites is my new passion. It’s g...
Improving Wordpress Security In Five Easy Steps 12 Feb 2008 | 06:09 am
Whilst Wordpress is a great publishing tool it does have it’s challenges and one of my greatest concerns is always security. The Wordpress team of developers do a good job of releasing regular fixes b...
Freelancing Resources and Tools 8 Feb 2008 | 12:13 pm
It seems that freelancing is one hot topic at the moment and everyone seems to be putting their lists of top freelancing websites and tools online. Not wanting to be left out I have put together the f...
10 Photoshop Tutorials To Create A Wicked Worn Look 30 Jan 2008 | 11:51 am
I’ve always loved that faded worn look and sometimes finding good tutorials on the techniques used can be elusive to say the least. I’ve documented some of the best on the web for easy reference. Plea...