Webschuur - webschuur.com - Bèr ‘berkes’ Kessels
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So, I am starting as Ruby Developer at Savvii 31 Jul 2013 | 03:00 am
Monday (5th of Juli) I am starting at the startup Savvii. To be part of the team that wants to bring you the very best WordPress hosting in the Netherlands. I am going to develop the software for the...
Over de anonimiteit van Bitcoin 23 May 2013 | 03:00 am
Het bedrijf dat in Nederland pintransacties verwerkt, Equence, kondigde aan om ons pingedrag te verkopen aan geïnterresseerde marketeers en bedrijven. Ze beweren dat deze transacties anoniem zijn. Dat...
Bitcoins kopen? Weet wat je doet. 1 Apr 2013 | 03:00 am
Afgelopen dagen heb ik aardig wat vragen over Bitcoin beantwoord. Daarom een algemene samenvatting. In de vorm van een waarschuwing. Bitcoin is overal in het nieuws. BBC, Fox en vandaag ook het NOS a...
Please, Ruby devs, join() your paths 21 Mar 2013 | 03:00 am
Like in most programming languages, when you write paths in ruby, e.g. to open a file you pass in a string: This is a serious smell for several reasons. Not, as people often believe, just to cater th...
Drupal Imagecache security vulnarability with DDOS attack explained 4 Mar 2013 | 04:00 am
Nearly a year ago, long before I decided to move out of Drupalwork entirely, I reported a security vulnarability in Drupal 7 core in imagecache. Since imagecache is used on most Drupal6 instances this...
Tagadelic: TDD, OOP and seeking maintainer 10 Feb 2013 | 04:00 am
TL;DR: Tagadelic is close to a Drupal 7 release, with an easy upgrade path to Drupal 8. It is completely rewritten, Object Oriented and Test Driven. Since I don't do any Drupal anymore, I am looking f...
Testing colored output with Cucumber 4 Feb 2013 | 04:00 am
I am improving a Command line app to manage my todos. I am developing it entirely 'Behaviour Driven', using Cucumber and Aruba. All is pretty straightforward, but I had a hard time testing the colors...
Make cucumber open the browser with the current page 8 Jan 2013 | 04:00 am
The Cucumber Book describes a really nifty trick when testing web-pages: open the browser when a step fails. This is a feature provided by cucumber itself. Add a support file features/support/debuggi...
Developing a tiny ecommerce site using microframework Slim 19 Nov 2012 | 04:00 am
Last elections, I stepped forward as a volunteer for the Dutch Pirateparty. They were struggling with Drupal, and the most pressing issue was getting a webshop going, using the Dutch Payment system i...
Statische websites beheren anno 2012 12 Nov 2012 | 01:00 pm
Statische sites, bijvoorbeeld weblogs gemaakt met simpele HTML-bestandjes, maken een terugkomst. Gereeschappen als Jekyll samen met moderne revisiebeheersystemen als git, maken het opzetten van een si...