Website-how-to - - How to setup a website.

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Drop-Capitals. Examples of ways to create them. 16 Oct 2006 | 04:27 am
"Drop-Caps" are Large characters as the first letter of a paragraph. The way they were in the books you read as a child. Sometimes they were very ornate. Research has shown that if they are used on a ...
Social Bookmarking Report - Free Download 16 Oct 2006 | 04:26 am
Social Bookmarking can provide your website with some extra, free traffic. It can let others send traffic to Content on your website that they feel is quality information that their friends would bene...
The 12 Most Needed HTML Elements. 25 Sep 2006 | 01:01 pm
Don't waste time studying ALL the HTML tags. Here are the 12 that I think are all that you need to be familiar with to get started. Don't code in HTML - instead use a "what you see is what you get" HT...
Make The Connection Between domain name Registrar and Web Host 25 Sep 2006 | 12:56 pm
Once your domain name is registered and you have arranged to be hosted, you are the person who must make the connection between the domain name Registrar and the company that is hosting your website.
Get New Version of Internet Explorer- Ver 7 22 May 2006 | 11:14 pm
Free Download of Microsoft's New Internet Explorer, Version 7, Public Beta Edition. Tabbed browsing, Built-in RSS reader, new security features.
Best Html WYSIWYG html Editors 6 Dec 2005 | 06:14 am
My Favorite editors for creating web pages. The best free editor and the best one for Under $100.
Website Fast Start - Template with Tabbed Navigation 4 Dec 2005 | 05:47 am
You can download this packaged website. The pages are all connected so that you can move from one to another. It has tabbed navigation links created using Cascading Style Sheets. It is all easy and yo...
A Website Offers More Than Hosting Web Pages. 4 Dec 2005 | 04:29 am
You get space on a webserver connected to a fast connection to the Internet. But there is more that usually comes with a hosting account. You get to upload programs (scripts) that run on the Webserver...
Selecting a Domain Name 3 Dec 2005 | 05:29 pm
What a domain name is, why you want one, how to get one and the things that you consider in deciding on a domain name.