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Wow, you can still hand-register 3-char .ORG domains. 23 Jul 2013 | 06:19 am
Had an idea tonight which involved the string “0wo” (zero-w-o) and was surprised to be able to hand register 0wo.org. Also note that a few in this line are still available: 7wo.org, 9po.org, etc. They...
Back Up The Truck bAbY! I’m Buying Gold! 21 May 2013 | 07:05 am
[ Woops, originally posted with link to wrong article ] I’ve been writing an article on gold over on Wealth.net which I wish I posted before today’s session, (which could be a key reversal day). In an...
Shorting the market today. 2 Feb 2013 | 01:29 am
Right off the top I should caution you all “don’t try this at home”, because I almost always lose money when I trade the short side of the market or an individual equity. That said, after my post earl...
Lightening up positions and taking profits 30 Jan 2013 | 07:22 am
In the face of soaring complacency and optimism I am lightening up some equity positions and taking profits. To the left we see the VIX at near lowest levels since just prior to the onset of the GFC...
The Era of AAPL is Over 15 Nov 2012 | 11:45 pm
I got a few comments from my “Tech Pair Trade of the Century” post awhile back along the lines of “Short AAPL? Good luck!” and “Long RIM? Good luck!”. So it was with interest I noted this week (13F we...
One of my Secret Weapons of Investing is Open for less than 3 hours 19 Oct 2012 | 06:55 am
On Monday Wallstreetwindow’s Mike Swanson sent me an email to tell me that he was going to open his Power Investor Inner Circle to new subscribers until midnight on Thursday night. I completely forgot...
Dem SuperPAC snags BinderFullOfWomen.com 17 Oct 2012 | 08:21 pm
When I heard about the Mitt Romney debate gaffe on “binders full of women” immediately going viral (I didn’t watch the debate as the electoral process makes me near suicidal) I just knew that some qu...
RIM Beats Expectations, Shorts Chrushed, Sentiment Still Dismal 28 Sep 2012 | 02:44 am
Briefly, RIMM blew out expectations today with 2.9B in revenues and an adjusted net loss narrowed to .27/share. Expectations were for .47/share loss on 2.45B in revenues. Blackberry sales were stronge...
Zillow: The next great Web 2.0 short sale? 25 Sep 2012 | 08:01 pm
I just received a short report from Citron Research (another financially uber-astute easyDNS client ) which outlines a scathing short thesis for Web 2.0 real estate darling Zillow (Nasdaq: Z). After s...
Short Apple & Long RIM: The Tech Pair Trade of the Decade 19 Sep 2012 | 07:29 pm
So far the only comment on my post about going long RIM is “good luck with that”. So far so good there. My pet quip about value investing is that your investing thesis looks good if it passes what I c...