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Ashton Kutcher Speech at the Teen Choice Awards 27 Aug 2013 | 05:32 pm
Ashton Kutcher’s speech at the recent Teen Choice Awards was an awesome way to kick off the work week. Inspiring Ashton Kutcher Speech His speech was for the teens at the awards, but it touched this 3...
Broccoli Snack Recipe Idea 26 Aug 2013 | 03:58 am
This broccoli snack recipe is so easy to do! It’s yummy and a great substitute for junky snacks. Come have a read or better yet, watch the recipe on video! My Mom came across this recipe online and de...
Animal Themed Birthday Surprise 25 Aug 2013 | 05:51 am
An animal themed birthday spread wasn’t planned for my son’s birthday lunch, but all family members had the same idea. Our son loves animals so it was no big surprise when we put a birthday spread tog...
Give a kid a camera and this is what you’ll get 22 Aug 2013 | 12:30 pm
Give a kid a camera and your perspective’s gonna change! Gotcha, Mom! My 3-year-old was taking an interest in my camera one evening. My knee-jerk reaction was to grab the camera from him for fear of h...
Typhoon Maring: How to help 22 Aug 2013 | 03:39 am
Help the victims of typhoon Maring. The Nuffnang Philippines office will be open to receive donations for the victims of typhoon Maring. They will begin accepting donations today, August 22 (Thursday)...
Red Mango Upsize Wednesdays: Love! 21 Aug 2013 | 06:30 am
Red Mango Upsize Wednesdays is one part of the week I look forward to. It’s exactly what it describes: You get a free upsize on your frozen yogurt order at Red Mango during Wednesdays. Woohoo! There’s...
GrabTaxi: How To Use & Customer Review 20 Aug 2013 | 07:17 pm
GrabTaxi is a smartphone-based taxi booking and dispatching service. It’s hard to get a decent ride in the city especially if the rains are strong or if it’s rush hour. I got the chance to try this se...
Red Sinigang: A new way to enjoy a classic Filipino dish 20 Aug 2013 | 06:30 am
Red Sinigang? It intrigued me as soon as I saw it on Kitchen Cow’s blog. Red Sinigang is basically the classic Pinoy dish made thicker and richer with tomato sauce. I’m a huge Sinigang fan so decided ...
Firecracker Chocolate Bar: The most fun chocolate ever 19 Aug 2013 | 06:30 am
Think “firecracker chocolate” and what images come to mind? An explosion of fireworks in your mouth? The excitement of popping sounds and colors? That’s just about right. When you’ve got a piece of th...
Chocolate con Leche from Pan de Manila 18 Aug 2013 | 01:13 pm
This hot chocolate from Pan de Manila is so delicious! This Chocolate Con Leche is a 3 in 1 Spanish Hot Chocolate mix served in a sachet. One serving is Php 15.00. It’s super yummy. 3 in 1 Hot Chocola...