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Never Worry about the Wrong Prescription in Your Glasses Again 22 Mar 2013 | 12:19 am
Have you ever had this happen? You get a new pair of glasses, and suddenly you can’t see. You think it’s because you have a new prescription and you have to get used to them. You give it a couple of w...
LASIK is a Quick and Comfortable Procedure 20 Mar 2013 | 12:18 am
There are many people who would like to have permanent vision correction through laser eye surgery. However, the idea of having surgery on your eyes can be scary. If you are one of the people that wor...
LASIK Can Eliminate the Need for Reading Glasses 14 Mar 2013 | 10:34 pm
It’s a fact of life that nearly everyone will need to get reading glasses at some point in their life. Almost everyone develops presbyopia at some time after the age of 40. Presbyopia is when your eye...
IntraLASIK Is a Safe and Effective Alternative to Traditional LASIK Surgery 12 Mar 2013 | 10:33 pm
Traditional LASIK surgery has been available in the US for over 15 years. Millions of people around the world have had LASIK vision correction surgery, and can see clearly now with corrective lenses. ...
Stop Worrying about Breaking Your Glasses with LASIK 8 Mar 2013 | 02:06 am
What is the worst thing that has ever happened to your classes? Most people have stories about mishaps that have occurred with their glasses. It’s not uncommon to find someone whose glasses have been ...
Like All Surgery, LASIK Comes With Risks 6 Mar 2013 | 02:06 am
LASIK vision correction surgery is a simple and safe procedure that will allow you to see more clearly. It has an extremely high success rate, and most patients find that they can pass the vision exam...
Choose an Experienced LASIK Surgeon to Correct Your Eyesight 28 Feb 2013 | 09:22 pm
Any time you need to have a medical procedure, it is a good idea to look for an experienced doctor. You want to know that your physician or surgeon is experienced in performing your procedure and has ...
Blade-Free LASIK Improves Your Odds of Clear Vision 26 Feb 2013 | 09:21 pm
Traditional LASIK surgery is an easy and effective way to permanently correct your vision. Millions of people have had good experiences with their LASIK procedures. However, if you want even more of a...
Glasses Improve Your Vision, But There Is a Better Option Available 21 Feb 2013 | 09:33 pm
Glasses and corrective lenses provide a valuable way for people to see. Because of glasses, many people can work, drive, and read in spite of their bad eyesight. But glasses are far from perfect. It’s...
Ensure Your LASIK Success With an Experienced Surgeon 19 Feb 2013 | 09:33 pm
When you are ready to have LASIK surgery performed to permanently correct your eyesight, you want to make sure that you choose the best surgeon around. And one of the best and most experienced LASIK s...